【文化】喀喇昆仑公路: 世界上最多样化的山口






The Karakorum Highway: World's MOST Diverse Mountain Pass I S2, EP88

喀喇昆仑公路: 世界上最多样化的山口 I S2, EP88

I am in Tashkurgan, in the border region of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. People in this region are mostly Wakhis, an ethnicity situated close to the Wakhan Corridor which mostly lies in Afghanistan but also partly in Pakistan and Tajikistan.

My journey starts on the renowned Karakoram Highway, one of the most fascinating trade routes of the ancient silk road, connecting central and south Asia through the Karakoram, Himalaya, and Hindu Kush Ranges. I met some Kyrgyz, and Tajiks on the way, and eventually reached Tashkurgan where I got spontaneously invited to a Tajik wedding.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Your travelogs are so beautiful. They are such a blessing to me. I am 76 and suffer from Long Covid and no longer able to travel. Since elementary school Geography was my favorite subject and National Geographic my favorite magazine. In college Cultural Anthropology was my favorite subject. Your channel is a blessing. You are such a beautiful person. Thanks for all the adventures I've been able to share with you.



Such beautiful words! I speak Spanish so thank you for expressing kind thoughts to this lovely traveller's lady. Hope you understand my poor English.



I am a baby boomer too! did my time paid my dues now retired I can travel around the world in the comfort of my home. Sadly not many people can say the same. Wish you recovery (I had Covid in 2020 with all my shots, still got sick, I am well). Thank goodness for people like Miss Yan we get to learn about other cultures.



I agree Yan's video production is worthy of National Geographic. Outstanding drone photography. May you soon overcome the effects of the virus and travel again. I'm doing that after recovery from no energy. China is very uplifting after the western self inflicted turmoil.

我同意 Yan 的视频制作堪比《国家地理》杂志,出色的无人机摄影。祝您早日战胜病毒的影响,重新开始旅行。我在恢复精力后也在这样做。在经历了西方人自作自受的动荡之后,中国非常令人振奋。


When visiting Taiwan and HongKong one of the first things I learned was that when talking about China it is a lot like talking about Europe, there are many countries, languages, Cuisines, and Peoples. Yes there are Han, and Mandarin, but there is far more diversity than one might expect in the country, and including landscapes as well.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


one huge differences between west and east is that where religion place at in the hierarchy. In the ancient china, there was tons of so call religion or more of way of communicating/living with others, and later on religion got push out the court/government. on the other hand, religion was always above the king in Europe, where kings needed to be appointed by god.

I find one true difference in east and west religion is that, the west is all about becoming god. Daoism or Buddhism has always been training one self to become like a god. Whereas, in the east, god had been there since the beginning.




it's the same in india and it's hardly surprising given the size of these countries. china was quite like europe in the past until the first emperor of qin dynasty united china (which was very small at that time and did not include the south ). he standardized a lot of stuff. many emperors like the first emperor at ming dynasty did a lot of things to unite people. the dynasty before ming was yuan during which the china was ruled by mongols.

EU wants to be like china but i guess it's a bit too late?




Hi Yan, today's video is bringing to life a book I'm reading at the moment (The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan). The mix of peoples coming from the Asian plains in the west (now Turkman, Uzbeck, Afghan, Kyrgis, and Kazak with the suffix 'stan') were called Sogdhian and travelled the roads using the horse and camel. The horses were famously popular. Your filming has bought the book to life. The history of these byways goes back 5,000 years and more). I can't wait to see your journey further west.

嗨,Yan,你今天的视频让我正在读的书(彼得-弗兰科潘著的《丝绸之路》)变得生动起来。来自亚洲西部平原的各民族(现在后缀为“斯坦”的土库曼人、乌兹别克人、阿富汗人、柯尔克孜人和哈萨克人)被称为粟特人,他们使用马和骆驼行走在路上,马很受欢迎。您拍摄的视频让这本书栩栩如生。这些道路的历史可以追溯到 5000 年前甚至更早)。我迫不及待地想看到您进一步向西的旅程。
