【科技】世界敌不过中国铁路 - 中国一等座列车






The highest class of high-speed trains is business class. I hope you can take it next time. Business class passengers can rest in the VIP lounge with a dedicated escort. The experience is even better in business class, where you can sleep and get free snacks. Must experience it next time!



can try business class for a short journey. but for long ones, too expensive

短途旅行可以尝试商务舱,但长途旅行太贵了 。


The train is CRH-2A which is old model and original from Japan. because from Guangzhou to Chengdou, it has lots of stops, the distance between some stops aren't too far, it can't always keep at 300kmh, I saw sometimes the speed is only 180kmh. however the train you took last time from Shanghai to Beijing is "Fuxing" which is a total brand-new model and designed by China independently after absorption 4 different technology routes among German, Japan, France and Canada. so the "Fuxing" is the best train for China and maybe in the world. it can run at 350kmh, from Shanghai to Beijing they only stop at a few major stations. so whenever you take the HSR train in China, don't be surprised if you find trains are running at the different speed. e.g., 180kmh or 250kmh or 300kmh or 350kmh on differnt routes because they may use the different train model.



How do you know the speed of the train when you are buying the ticket?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


@f.s.monster3765 You can determine by the train number code:

The train code of Harmony usually starts with "CRH".

The train number code of the Fuxing Express starts with "CR", and sometimes it is directly labeled as "Fuxing Express".


和谐号的列车代码通常以"CRH "开头。

复兴号列车的车次代码以"CR "开头,有时直接标为"复兴号"。


@f.s.monster3765 if you are Chinese, it's easy to find out through website, they will tell you which route use "Fuxing" train. I remember 30% of HSRs in China are running at 350kmh. if you aren't Chinese, just use math method.(speed=distance/duration time), but you need also consider the qty of stop stations.

@f.s.monster3765 如果你是中国人,很容易通过网站找到,他们会告诉你哪条路线使用的是"复兴号"列车。我记得中国有30%的高铁时速为350公里。如果您不是中国人,只需使用数学方法(速度=距离/持续时间),但您还需要考虑停靠站的数量。


@f.s.monster3765 just compare the duration. choose the shortest one

@f.s.monster3765 只需比较运行时间即可。


China is the Worldleader in Building and Infrastruktur ����️



yes because the labour used to create that infrastructure is very cheap and has very bad saftey guidlines when building it


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


@ajshift6809 says who? What you based on? In the age of information, ignorance is the choice

@ajshift6809 你在说谁?你的依据是什么?在信息时代,无知是一种选择。


Why would you take a train. Flight seems cheaper and faster.



China also is the best in schooling and a moral society, Chinese enjoy more human rights and quality of life and get a fair just living.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


The people who are sitting on the ground are because they bought a ticket without the seat (it's the same price as 2nd class ticket so not many people would do this), they are usually in a hurry to get somewhere or only on the train for a few stops.



Welcome to China again



Thank you for the warm welcome! Really glad to be back here in the summer time



14 minutes and 20 seconds, the very interesting train station you mentioned is a very famous tourist city called Yangshuo.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


they miss YangShuo, what a pity.

they should travel around Yangshuo and Guilin first, then continue to Chengdu.




Another nice video clip. Thanks lovely couple. Enjoy your trip in China. Best regards



You guys are incredible! I am not sure if I can sit down for 10 hours train, I tried 5 hours train from Wuhan to Hong Kong, it’s enough for me hahaha. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your trip in China! Watching from Australia ����

你们真是不可思议!我不知道自己能否坐上10个小时的火车,我试过从武汉到香港(特区)坐 5 个小时的火车,对我来说已经足够了,哈哈哈。谢谢你们的分享,祝你们在中国旅途愉快!我从澳大利亚观看。


You guys bring such happiness, in your videos you've got my support. When Dev says are you ready girl, Shev you should reply I'm ready boy that would be ace. Haha. Thank you, guys.

你们带来了如此多的快乐,在你们的视频中,我一直支持你们。当Dev说 "你准备好了吗,姑娘?"时,Shev你应该回答 "我准备好了,小伙子",那就太棒了。哈哈。谢谢你们。


When you said ‘fluffy, cute, kind of clumsy..’ I immediately thought of Dev. ����

当你说 "蓬松、可爱、有点笨拙......我立刻想到了Dev。哈哈。


For those no seats people, it because they're on short trips not 10 hours , some people aim to save more money or during the busy seasons. In today‘s China, I believe there is no one who cannot afford a ticket.



no seat ticket actually has the same price as the second class... so ppl buy no seat ticket just because 2nd class is fully booked



btw, actually high speed train ticket is not cheap, so a lot of people rather take slow trains

