



Are expectations of the young falling short of the perfect romance seen in Korean dramas?

Seven out of ten South Koreans think cohabiting is a better idea than marriage, according to the 2022 Korea Social Survey. The country already has the lowest birthrate in the world - why does marriage seem like a bad idea in South Korea?

Living together before marriage is still a taboo, but check out how some South Koreans are willing to challenge social norms.





All about money and time.

Pay us enough and let us go home early, so we can have time with our family.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


No. No. No! How then are you going to make bosses and Chaebo richer???



@user-OperationRabbit625 almost all 3rd world countries show their population is increasing even though the economic condition is so bad. People from developed countries such as Singapore, Japan or S.Korea are having a different life style, demand and education background.

In the past If people work hard, it was not difficult to buy a house as now. How much is housing coast in Singapore, Korea, Japan or Shanghai now? Its crazy price.

Also, There are plenty of things that people can enjoy their life without marriage or having a child.

Therefore people rather choose to live single or kidless life than marriage or life as a parents.

When S.Korea was poor, everyone was poor at that time but now, people comparing their life to other and wanna be better and want more which is happening in every modern society.

Society is also change by the time as human does.

Its so wrong you compare S.Korea in 1950th to S.Korea 2020th. Totally different conditions.









Have a backbone and don't accept what you don't want. Put your pride aside and take less pay for more time. Be smart with money to make it work with less money.



People in developed countries have different standards of living in their youth, so they expect to give the same standard or better to their family, otherwise they would’ve failed as parents, whereas people in developing countries only know poverty, so they are fine struggling to provide for themselves and their family, in fact it’s seen as heroism.

Our global population has actually peaked though, regardless of where you’re from. Even the poorest country have decreasing birth rates. Our governments all over the world have relied on a pyramid scheme of people giving birth to support the people at the top (the elderly) and soon most of us will experience the same problem. There won’t be enough people to support the genz or millenials when we get old, and our retirement age will increase, and we’ll be homeless at the first sign of trouble with our health or finances. If climate change doesn’t get us first.




It's just like why I love Call of Duty Modern Warfare but I remain to be an office worker instead of a Tier One Special Forces operator.



This proves that everything that looks shiny is not gold. People want to see realistic dramas that's why parasite and squid game are big hits



What a racist generalization to Koreans just because you watched a youtube video



@cumibakar10 korea is the number 1 racist country in the world

@cumibakar10 韩国是排名世界第一的种族主义国家。


@inceldetector6148 A brief look at history will tell you that the former colonial powers were far more racist.

@inceldetector6148 简单回顾一下历史就会发现,前殖民国家的种族主义要严重得多。


Calling parasite and squid game realistic is crazy.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Squid game = realistic You lost touch with reality completely there bro

《鱿鱼游戏》= 现实。你完全脱离现实了,兄弟。


All I want to say to all young girls is that the plotline in kdrama is written by women towards women. Men function different in irl



Especially real life Korean men. All that love bombing ends once she's committed to him, and she quickly realizes that the knight underneath the shining armor is carries a domineering and often abusive macho attitude.



They want the Romance but not the Duty and Work required in a Marriage.



Marriage also gives the gov't the right to take your passport and throw you in jail if the marriage fails and alimony are not paid.



@extremepsyche3135 alimony only needs to get paid by men when there are children and the father doesn’t want to spend much time with the children (see it as a burden), or the mother doesn’t earn as much as the father in terms of money

@Extremepsyche3135 只有当有了孩子,而父亲不想花太多时间陪孩子(认为这是负担),或者母亲挣的钱不如父亲多时,男性才需要支付赡养费。

