





本文译自Youtube,原标题:Black Myth: Wukong - Official 13 Minutes Gameplay Trailer









Ruofei Chen

At the end of the boss fight, the five chinese characters lit up one by

 one on the real monkey king's weapon are “如意金箍棒RuYiJinGuBang”,  the name of the weapon. Bluntly translated,“the stick with golden edges that can transform as will”,but in a poewetic  choice of words  in chinese. It can shrink and grow according to Sun Wukong's will, shorter or longer, thinner or thicker. When Wukong has no need of using it, he would simply hide it in his ear hole. This can explain the confusion of some people who are not familiar with the original story, when he pulled the weapon "out of his brain" in the footage lol. I'm thrilled to see that they present the ear hiding weapon in the game exactly according to the original story, just like what they do to the monkey's classic tricks such as “the 72 forms of changes,” “the monkey hairs doppelgangers”and"the traveling cloud". The original story The Journey To The West, the weapon  RuYiJinGuBang (known as the monkey king bar in English)of Sun Wukong has many other names. All these names have no translated version. To my opinion, simple "Monkey King  Bar"cannot show the divinity and  myth of the weapon. One of the names is “定海神针DingHaiShenZhen” which means “the giant sacred pillar that stabilize the ocean”. Actually the stick is originally not a weapon, but a giant pillar stuck into the ocean to seal the enormous energy of the sea so it would remain calm and peaceful. Before the monkey take on the journey, before he is punished by the Buhda RuLai, when he was still rebellious and wild.The monkey headed to "LongGong" the palace of Long in the ocean to "borrow"(rob actually) a weapon. "LongWang" lord of the ocean offered him all the finest blades hammers and lances. But the monkey waved each of them in his hand and said:"all too light, not heavy enough". Then he fixed his eye one the giant pillar that connect the bottom and the surface of the sea.He held it in both arms and pulled it out said“this one feels just heavy enough for me. I think I'll take it!”. And the pillar itself felt his owner of destiny and shrank to the normal size of a weapon with its new name on it "如意金箍棒(RuYiJinGuBang)", the exact five words shown on the weapon in the end of the  trailer when the real monkey king shows up.Since it's an ancient artifact to stabilize the ocean, it enrages LongWang and many other gods that it was taken away by the monkey. By the way, no matter what size the weapon is, whether it's hidden in the ear or it is the size of a normal weapon, its weight remains still to the weight of the giant sacred ocean pillar.




在孙悟空踏上西游征途之前,在他受到如来佛的惩罚之前,他还是只叛逆的狂野的猴子。他去了龙宫向龙王“借”(实际上是抢)一把武器,“龙王”,也就是海洋之王给了他所有最好的刀刃,锤子和长矛。但是猴子在手上挥舞着,说:“太轻了,不够重”。后来一根连接海底和海面的巨大柱子吸引了他。他双手抱着它,把它拔了出来,说“这只对我来说够重,我就要它了!”。 而这根柱子本身也感觉到了它命运的主人,于是缩小到了一件武器的正常大小,上面有一个新的名字“如意金箍棒”,这正是真正的孙悟空出现在预告片末尾的武器上的五个字。因为它是一个古老的用来稳定海洋的人工制品,它被猴子带走了,这激怒了龙王和其他许多神。顺便说一句,不管这个武器有多大,无论是藏在耳朵里还是普通武器的大小,它的重量仍然是巨大的神圣的定海神针的重量。


Ninja Pajamas

Yea i didnt expect the features where Sun put a weapons in his ear , also what about the crown or something that he used to wear on his forehead that it can become tighter or looser , ive forgot some of the fictional things i read GOH etc



Tu Tin Song Chat

You did an absolute amazing job with your description, ive always been a big fan of sun wokong ever since young. This is exciting to see the developers remain true to the origins of journey to the west



Hentacle Tentai

Just in case you guys don’t know, he shrink his weapon and put it in his ear just like in the story, perfect for video game explanation of “where did that even come from?”





So perfect. Great for video games. Lore appropriate.




Kang Yato Boy

After watching Japan's history, now is the time for Chinese's myth history




Kang Yato Boy

His master did travel to India to get the complete Bible because he was dissatisfied with the former translation. he only had one student not 3 (4 the horse).


The rest is a novel




Cao Bradley

Doctors will find all kind of weird stuff in kids' ears after this game released.....




Henry Philips

The number of times I’ve watched this video within the last 24 hours is unhealthy





Henry Philips same wtaf i keep watching reaction vids too

Henry Philips,我也一直在看别人的反应视频(译注:Youtube上已经有了很多人看这个并展示同步反应的视频)。




And imagine these impossible gfx run on UE4 and nextgen consoles will be ableto tun UE5 . Great times await us

想象一下这些不可能的gfx运行在UE4上,下一代控制台将能够运行 UE5。伟大的时刻在等着我们。



Brandon Van Dijk

This definitely makes me want to know more about the story of Journey to the West and the mythology behind it. I know Son Wukong is the inspiration for Son Goku from DBZ so just with that fact I already love the game. It looks so sick!!! I really hope there is at least close to 72 transformations he can do like the real Wukong can cause bro they are sick. The hair on fire is sick. The game world is sick. Its amazingly well done. Definitely a must play for me.




Ghost of the Tenth Eye

It is one of the best ancient epics of all time I really recommend that you do!





The lore and story is so epic and deep. My childhood was full of journey to the west story. Welcome to the club...




Rage Against My Hairline

I waited 8 years for FF15. However long this takes to get made, I'm in.





2yr+. releasing 2023 at the earliest, but take my money now




Aiden Lin

The developers said what they need right now is not money but more developers, and that’s the primary reason that they released the gameplay now.I hope they can recruit more people soon.




Ohem F. Gee

For those who don't know, the Journey to the West story was the inspiration for Dragon Ball, with Goku in turn being based on the Monkey King




Little Light

I know the devs probably not see this but we are really hyped to buy this. Tale ur time make it perf and the game will score. Also pls release it in the west loo









Suggest now to learn more about the background and character settings in the Journey to the West,otherwise you'll miss a lot of details when you play the game. Like the Piercing eye, 72 transformations, and so on. There are also some bosses that appear in the trailer, if you've seen Journey to the West you may be able to guess the names of some of them....Journey to the West is a childhood memory for many Chinese people,the music at the end is also an episode from Journey to the West, and I got goosebumps when I heard it! Please don't skip it!




Robert R

I'm guessing all that info will be shown in-game? Would be awkward otherwise.





There's a journey to the west show? I've only read the book and it's been a while. Can I find it anywhere?





I'd say all four of the great masterworks of Chinese literature deserve a reading for anyone. The Journey to the West, The Outlaws of the Marsh, Romance of Three Kingdom, Dream of the Red Chamber.




Yang Xue

there is one tiny detail in this demo which in my eyes showcased the authentic Chinese core of this game. At 03:06 just before the wolf completes his set of pre-battle posture, he ended it by lightly but quickly extending his right forearm so that the long sleeve hangs nice and smooth. You often see this delicate movement on scholar-like characters in Peking opera or martial art films, and this wolf's lines were saying 'monkey, you interrupted my study of Buddhism, how about lay down your weapon and join me?'. All these elements together completes a NPC with a degree of depth, which becomes playable as Wukong transforms into him later on. Amazing...these developers knows their stuff!

在这个演示中有一个很小的细节,在我看来,它展示了这个游戏真正的中国文化的核心。在03:06,就在狼完成他那套战前姿势之前,他轻轻但迅速地伸出了他的右前臂,这样长袖就滑下手臂,显得既漂亮又平滑。你通常可以在京剧或武侠片中看到这种文人化人物的微妙动作,这只狼的台词是说‘猴子,你扰我清修,不如放下棍棒,也同我学点佛法?’。所有这些元素一起完成了一个具有一定深度的NPC(译注:Non-Player Character,非玩家角色),太棒了…这些开发者知道他们的特征!



Ben Gnaden

I just heard about this game, it looks incredible, hope it's in English and on the PS5, it looks incredible.





Really hope this game makes its way to the west. Has so much potential!!




Balthasar Tsui

For these who are not familiar with “the Journey to the West”or any Chinese  fantasies, the moment our Chinese people saw 10:49 ,is basically like 10 times more thrill than when the Americans saw “I am iron man.”in the Avengers 4���





For decades we have been "educated" by Western media (TV, games, movies, music) to learn about western culture and way of living and I guess the time has come to learn about chinese culture through these medias. And from what I can see I admit that this looks very intresting.





Modern western culture not true western culture . That being said learning about different civilizations is always interesting




Eric The Red

I don't know why, but I've been feeling quite giddy since I saw this trailer.

My happiness is immeasurable and my day is saved.




chaobing huang

I don’t play games, but I was shocked by the special effects and the texture of the game.





Omg, I mean u guys may have no idea how we got ten times thrilled when the final monkey king with “如意金箍棒” pops out!!! I go crazy when I saw him! He really, literally means a lot to us �� But of course we’re also amazed by the fluent raid traces�Take my money right now Orz

天哪,我的意思是你们可能不知道当最后一个“美猴王”和“如意金箍棒”突然出现时,我们激动了十倍呢!!!我一看到他就发疯了!他对我们真的很重要�� 当然,我们也对流畅的打斗痕迹感到惊讶� 现在请走拿我的钱,跪了跪了Orz。



Minh Ly

I'm truly impressed.


Graphic: awesome, as expected of current gen. The environment set-up is great, the atmosphere feels just right.

Game-play: promising.

Story: If you're Asian and familiar with the tale of Journey to the West, then lore immersion of this is just speechless.

Audio/music: I'm glad this use original Chinese audio instead of the stereotype Asian English (hey, if people can play Ghost of Tsushima with Japanese audio then why not Chinese). And finally, that tune at the end, you know what I mean fellow Asian.








The combat in this game looks really cool and fun to play. It seems like it was well fleshed out








DJ Danu E

Since SP made Ghost of Tsushima and its role with ancient Japan, it is time for another asian culture related games but this time, a very well-known mythology from east: The Journey to The West a.k.a Sun Wukong story.




Feng Lovex

this might be the first ever Chinese game I'm going to play.




Jacob Lemming

This is so gorgeous its gonna make me cry. I've waited all my life for this




Ariston Omega

The four gigantics shows up at 11:45 are called "Four Heavenly Kings",each of whom is believed to watch over one cardinal direction of the world and hold a symbolic object, like the umbrella hold in the third giant hand. In the original JTW stories, they were sent by the Buddha to fight Wukong when Wukong came to Heaven and challenged the immortals.





We just got a game about Japanese culture, and right now we got a game about Chinese culture. I love it.




Alan Au

Both cultures are very similar, as Japanese culture takes a lot of inspirations from Chinese culture




tang roro

I love how everyone keep saying playing this game will help people learn more about Journey to the West, even though this game is basically the equivalent of "Alice Madnes Return"

我喜欢大家一直说玩这个游戏可以帮助人们更多地了解《西游记》,尽管这个游戏基本上相当于《爱丽丝疯狂归来》(译注:Alice Madnes Return,经评论区口馍君指正:那款游戏是基于爱丽丝梦游仙境的故事进行了大幅度的黑暗化制作,这个评论的意思是「黑神话:悟空」这款游戏也是基于西游记进行了大幅度的黑暗化改编)。


dikala gabut

The music in the end of the video is similiar to "journey to the west" Ending theme. Its make me so hype




bruce Wayne

These foreigners doesn’t know how surprised when Chinese listen to the music in the end.





do you know the name of the song at the end?





@Jamal 云宫迅音  Is the tune of the 1986 version of Journey to the West

@Jamal 云宫迅音 这是1986年西游记电视剧的主题曲。



giovanni brena

"these foreigners" lmao I love chinese people




Eggy the egg

As someone who watched the show as a kid, I got goosebumps when the theme starts playing




justiady kalvianto

I really hope they make a version based on the real journey to the west story. And we play as wukong. Sometimes as pa kai (the pig), and sometimes as the monk.





I saw many familiar monsters, rivals and also heard the old BGM in the end like the one when I was young,  wonder whether wukong's master will be shown in this story or not.




Mr. Poke

I love seeing the ability that the monkey kings gets in the stories in the game. Like where he plucks he hair to make clones. So dope!




Petit Colibri

I’ve always liked Journey to the West and Sun Wukong was always my favorite. So definitely looking forward to this game




Henrit Parattil

One of my favourite fables from all time, when I was a kid , I always dreamt of playing a game of Wukong, especially after watching those cartoons and the movie the forbidden Kingdom.




Blue Oni Enryu

The game looks beautiful and so well-conceived. Wukong reminds me of Naruto.


I think there are definitely certain cultural theologies that are less prevalent in mainstream gaming. I hope this game inspires other developers to explore other theologies.











