


文中对台湾的描述是:Taiwan, a self-governed, democratic island, which it views as a breakaway province. 台湾是一个自治的、民主的岛屿,一下子就把台湾归类到西方国家阵营,政治理念相同,具有共同的价值观;且是自治的,不受中国大陆控制的岛屿,隐晦表达出台湾与中国大陆是分离的意思。

文中对中国大陆的描述是:The communist government in Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province that must be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.  如果经常看CNN 、BBC等西方主流媒体的报道,就会知道“communist”在西方国家语境中是一个贬义词,与democratic island相对应,暗示读者中国大陆与台湾的本质性差异;by force if necessary,又想刻画出中国大陆对台湾的武力威胁。

China and Taiwan have been governed separately since the end of the Chinese Civil War nearly 70 years ago. 中国大陆和台湾自内战结束后近70年一直处于分治状态,想告诉读者这是一个既成事实,有点一中一台的味道。

The US Navy has not sailed an aircraft carrier in that area since 2007. China has boosted its own military presence in the region, sailing its own aircraft carrier through the strait in January. The Chinese military also recently conducted large-scale military exercises 。美国海军自2007年后没再派航空母舰经过台湾海峡,而中国大力增强军事力量,还派航空母舰经过台湾海峡,举行大规模军事演习。这一中美两军的对比,又想给读者以中国穷兵黩武的形象,为中国威胁论增添新的证据。

Although both Beijing and Taipei view the island as part of "China" -- a term open to each side's interpretation -- neither government recognizes the legitimacy of the opposing side. 这段话提到了“一个中国”原则,但又说双方都不承认对方的合法性,暗示读者“一个中国”原则是没有意义的。

