




"Is declining birthrates a problem?"


"How many siblings did you have?"


"How many kids do you have?"


"How should we deal with the birthrate?"

"Young people should have more kids."

The lack of self awareness is staggering. They should all know that it's not that easy, because they clearly had the same issues themselves, except things are worse now.











Oh man. I watched this to the end. The old man saying that we should all keep moving forward and have adventures like family life - because these things define our lives. That was very profound and meaningful to hear. I'm married and we have a daughter. We plan for child no. 2. It is whirlwind of emotions having a child but anxiety and stress fade away when I see my daughter laugh and learning about life.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


As someone who is also from a larger family, 5 kids, I echo what that one gentleman said about the benefits of growing up in a group. You learn to advocate for yourself and others, you learn how to work cooperatively with others in stressful situations, you learn how to argue your points effectively, you learn how to stay humble too



When I was young I tried working and could not believe how brutal the workplace was. I realized at a very young age that I would be in no position to ever raise a child. I watched my parents life as well. I could see that it was hell for them. In middle age I was able to support a partner, a wife. That was enough for me. I would not want to be young these days.



I wish all these thoughtful seniors well. Live long and prosper.



The man talking about smartphones making us dumber and unquestioning was right to point out that it would be labeled as a conspiracy theory. But there are many of us that would swipe away and not engage with subjects that appear challenging or boring.



Very insightful video! I appreciate the openness of all the participants as well as the interviewers ability to ask good questions and make them feel comfortable. A lot of this information and 'food for thought' could be applied to other countries and cultures as well.



I'm in my 20's but i don't know if i'll opt to having kids. I feel like people shouldn't just have kids because it's "fun" as i'm hearing in this video. I would want to be in a position to provide 'my kids' with a really comfortable lifestyle, nothing too extravagant but well-balanced and short of struggle.



Japan is not the only country on population decline. The top 10 countries experiencing significant decreases in birth rates are:

Bulgaria - Expected to decline by 22.5% from 2020 to 2050.

Lithuania - Projected to shrink by 22.1% over the next three decades.

Latvia - Expected to lose 21.6% of its population between 2020 and 2050.

Ukraine - Anticipated to drop by 19.5% from 2020 to 2050.

Serbia - Forecasted to decline by about 18.9%.

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Projected to decrease by 18.2%.

Croatia - Expected to shrink by 18.0%.

Moldova - Anticipated to decline by 16.7%.

Japan - Projected to lose 16.3% of its population between 2020 and 2050.

Albania - Expected to decrease by 15.8% over the next 30 years


保加利亚 - 预计从2020到2050将下降22.5%。

立陶宛 - 预计在未来三十年内减少22.1%。

拉脱维亚 - 预计在2020到2050年间失去21.6%的人口。

乌克兰 - 预计从2020到2050年将下降19.5%。

塞尔维亚 - 预计下降约18.9%。

波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 - 预计减少18.2%。

克罗地亚 - 预计缩减18.0%。

摩尔多瓦 - 预计下降16.7%。

日本 - 预计在2020到2050年间失去16.3%的人口。

阿尔巴尼亚 - 预计在未来30年内减少15.8%。


I lived in Japan for 10 years from 1997 and the population problem was already obvious. I asked people what Japan would do about it. They usually just said they never thought about it, but anyone who had an opinion would say "money" and/or "robots." If I suggested immigration, they looked at me like I was from another planet. 25 years later, the problem has only gotten worse. I love Japan and the Japanese, but their "kick the can down the road" skills are beyond next level. Now there's no more road.



I think its financal at the heart of the problem. When you have a good job and can still barely afford rent & food...it makes you think twice about your ability to financally take on the responsibility of children.

I love how that lady in white with the dog said..oh they should just have kids early, not even thinking about the younger generations financal status.



Aww they're so proud of their kids and grandchildren. I especially like how animated the middle child gentleman with the bald head is - good points

