
nd in order for me to become a US citizen, I had to take those American history lessons,  where they ask questions like: Who's Benjamin Franklin?  We were like, "Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?"   我为了成为一名美国公民,必须要上美国历史课,会被问到诸如“谁是本杰明富兰克林?”我就想:“呃,莫非就是我们便利店遭到抢劫的原因?”(百元美钞上印着本杰明富兰克林的头像。)  What's the second Amendment? We were like, "Ahh.., the reason our convenient store gets robbed?"  “什么是第二修正案?”我就想:“呃,莫非就是我们便利店遭到抢劫的原因?”(第二修正案保障了人民的持枪权利)  What is Roe vs Wade? We were like, "Ahh& , two ways of coming to the Unite States?"   “Roe vs. Wade是什么?”“呃!两种来美国的途径?”(Roe vs.Wade是美最高法院关于堕胎的经典案例。他在这里则是说那些偷渡到美国的人,要不就是通过row a boat(划船,和人名Roe同音),要不就是靠游到河对岸(wade是跋涉的意思)
