【汽车】全球出口激增,中国 11 月电动车销量增长68%




EV sales in China grow 68% in November as global exports skyrocket

全球出口激增,中国 11 月电动车销量增长 68%


Was in Chengdu last week . It’s amazing that you don’t hear any car engine noise when walking the streets , everything is electric .

It was a pleasant experience




Last year I went back to Fuzhou after 4 years, the most shocking thing for me is how quiet the street is, despite the heavy traffic.



I live in Barcemarketing, Catatonia, Spain. With windows closed is like living in the middle of a highway


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Not only quiet, free of pollution as well, which is more important, saving lives.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Here in Brazil BYD is growing so fast (227% y/y, and 2024 hasn't even ended). Stores are packed!



Not only BYD, Chery, Great Wall and Geely also growing in Brazil.

They are competing in the Brazilian market as they did in China.




in costa rica we have byd for 3 years now in 2024 1 out of 4 new cars sales are electric and i bet 90 percent or maybe even more are byd .. they are everywhere people are talking about them like a lot ,, no one want to pay 90 dollars for 400 km while you can do the same in a byd for 8 dollars ,,, here byd are competeting against ICE vehicles tesla never made a cheap reliable electric vehicle just like byd did , and now the cities are full of them they are replacing european and ameriacn brands cause people here love toyotas since our country is so mountainous and those are the best car there is but if you live in a city you see byd everywhere, this reminds me when huawei started selling cellphones in latinamerica out of nowhere fast foward 5 years and now they are everyhwere the same is happening to byd .

在哥斯达黎加,我们已经销售电动汽车3年了。到2024年,每 4 辆新车中就有1辆是电动汽车。我敢打赌,90%甚至更高比例都是比亚迪。它们无处不在,人们都在谈论它们,没有人愿意花90美元跑400公里,而用比亚迪只需花8美元就能跑同样的路程。在这里,比亚迪正在与内燃机汽车竞争,特斯拉从未像比亚迪一样生产出廉价可靠的电动汽车。现在,城市里到处都是它的车,它们正在取代欧洲和美国的品牌。这里的人们喜欢丰田车,因为我们的国家多山,而丰田的车是最好的车,但如果你生活在城市里,你会看到到处都是比亚迪,这让我想起了华为开始在拉丁美洲销售手机时的情景,当时华为还不知道是从哪里冒出来的,现在5年过去了,它们到处都是,比亚迪也是如此。


@rioluna6058 I've been to your country, it is amazing, beautiful nature!

@rioluna6058 我去过你们的国家,那里太神奇了,有美丽的大自然!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


@miguelbemquererful obrigado cara.. hahah. i never been to brasil but some of my favorite music that i hear is from brasil i have friends from there and both of them are incredible people , i havebeen learning brazilian portuguese for the past 4 years slowly but steadily , lots of friends of mine have gone there they loved it , one my best friends studied cousine in sao paulo and his food is just on a whole other level , so the respect is mutual my brother :) ,i hope one day i could visit .

我从没去过巴西,但我最喜欢听的一些音乐都来自巴西,我有朋友来自那里,他们都是不可思议的人,过去四年我一直在缓慢但稳定地学习巴西葡萄牙语,我的很多朋友都去过那里,他们都很喜欢那里,我最好的朋友之一在圣保罗学习烹饪,他的食物完全是另一个水平,所以尊重是相互的,我的兄弟:) 我希望有一天我能去看看。


Lucky to be living in such a wonderful country AUSTRALIA ���� so freedom to choose any kind of car brand and so many choices of EV.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


It's funny and odd that many petrolheads don't like EVs because they are silent. There is nothing better than having a city free of noise pollution.



No noise, no fumes, no heat, better navigation, higher efficiency, less tankers, less oil pollution, and if you wish you can use your own sun/wind energy, longer lasting, safer, what's not to like?



There's no doubt that China is trying to leapfrog the developed nations using the newest technologies, and at the same time reducing their reliance on foreign fossil fuel.

BUT the developed nations were equally resistant to change with all their established mindset and interest groups.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Many developed countries happen to be those that were conquered, colonized and ruled over by Anglo-Europeans and as you know, "birds of a feather, flock together'.



BYD Seal 5 DM-i also knows as the BYD Destroyer 5 in China just arrived in our country and its going to be the end game for Japanese cars as its priced at AUD $24,924.90.

比亚迪海豹5 DM-i也被称为比亚迪Destroyer 5,它刚刚抵达我国,它将成为日本汽车的终结者,因为它的售价为24924.90澳元。


China is dominating the clean energy market, no surprise to see the growth in New Energy Vehicles / EVs, legacy Auto days are numbered.



u.s plays fossil fuel game, eu plays carbon credit game, china plays new energy game....


