





Definitely more international. Rice, pasta, lots of vegetables that are not traditionally German. I'd say I eat an entirely "national" meal maybe once a week.


Same for me being British, when I cook it's generally pasta or rice. I never cook anything that is culturally British, although some of it could be considered neutral territory like when I used to chuck together random salads a lot


Tbf most of our german food takes a long time to prepare. On weekdays I’d rather stand in the kitchen for 20 - 30 minutes making some spagetti bolognese.


And it's mostly quite "heavy" food if you know what I mean


Once a week is probably more than most young germans! German food takes so long to prepare and on top of that, I sit on my ass in front of a computer all day. No need to feast like I worked a 12 hour shift in a coal mine or on a field anymore. I personally eat way more Italian or Asian dishes.


how common are non-european restaurants in Germany?


Asian restaurants (especially chinese, vietnamese, indian) are everywhere. Also "mexican" but many are not really authentic.



but the most common foreign restaurants are Italian, followed by Greek. Those two nations are the home to many of the foreign workers that fuelled Germany's economy in the 60s and 70s.

The biggest number of immigrants were the Turks. A Turk supposedly invented the Döner as most people know it and as you will find it on r/doener. Döner stalls outnumber any other type of fast food by a magnitude. There were 16.000 of them in 2011, McDonald's had about 1400 restaurants in Germany at the time.




Definitely. In the past week, dinners have been Italian, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Thai, a lentil and sausage casserole- not sure where that comes from -, and tonight Chinese again.

The only time I have "Irish" food is when we have a roast, or a nice bit of boiled bacon, about once every three weeks




National cuisine. I love other countries' cuisines, but I eat national dishes most of the time whether they be cooked by me or if I go out to eat.

