【科技】丰田氢动力汽车梦想破灭 - 车主起诉丰田
I have an acquaintance in Toronto (Canada) who owns a used vehicle dealership. He bought a practically new hydrogen car on auction for $12K(CAD) having no clue about hydrogen other than he hit was the future. He drove it for a couple of days and decided to get it refulled. SHOCK! The closest station was in California. He in turn sold it to a Californian for $6K(CAD). Lesson learned.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Pure genius
I did an analysis about 12 years ago on hydrogen powered cars. I determined even if hydrogen could be created for free it was still not economical. The cost of storing, transporting and dispensing it made it cost prohibitive compared to electricity.
Hi Sam, I’m nearly 60YO, the speculation about hydrogen as a fuel has been running my whole life, along with nuclear fusion energy. Neither has come to anything in 60 years. Both have such fundamental problems that are extremely difficult to solve because they are rooted in the laws of physics. Hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe and is highly reactive, this makes it extremely difficult to contain in a fuel tank, and all the hydrogen on Earth exists in compounds formed with other elements. To use it requires a chemical reaction to release free hydrogen. Unless someone can reinvent the physics of our universe, hydrogen will remain an extremely difficult and expensive fuel source.
ANYONE who knows anything about logistics, energy, and energy supply knew this was crazy idea .... except at Toyota apparently. They need to fire their chief engineer.
- Producing Hydrogen uses a lot of electricity and is inefficient (so why not just put electricity straight into cars?)
- Using Hydrogen fuel cells basically converts it back to electricity inefficiently (so why not just use electric batteries?)
- Transporting vast quantities of liquid hydrogen daily by road is hugely dangerous and relies on (presumably) millions of diesel-powered trucks.
- Storing Hydrogen is difficult. It's very "leaky" and required the installation of a high-pressure storage facility at every "gas station".
- There's zero option for home charging, so your life involves constant pumping of compressed hydrogen at some cold dirty gas-station.
- Drivers now have to pump highly compressed liquid hydrogen into a big metal tank, right behind their children's" seats (You're scared of EV fires? Wait until you see a Hydrogen fire).
- Who wants to live close to a Hydrogen pumping station? (Because you'll almost certainly have gasoline on site as well ..... Now you just created a bomb site).
It's so impractical at virtually EVERY stage, that it's clearly a non-starter for most applications. Maybe it's OK for big Truck depots, where you can store vast quantities on-site, for your fleet, but to distribute liquid hydrogen to every gas-station in the World is just never going to happen, it can't happen, it isn't happening (don't believe me? go find your local Hydrogen filling point).
- - The sheer beauty of EVs is simplicity. "The best part is no part" and the EV process has very few parts.
In the best case the Sun sends you electricity and you distribute it instantly with cables. It goes directly into EV batteries and turns an electric motor (fundamentally one moving part). You just removed thousands of moving parts and complex engineering logistics from the process.
- 制氢耗电又低效(那干嘛不直接用电动车?)
- 氢燃料电池把氢转化成电也很低效(那还不如直接用电池呢)
- 每天用卡车运输大量液态氢太危险了,还得靠(估计)上百万辆柴油卡车。
- 储存氢气很麻烦。它特别容易泄漏,每个加油站都得装高压储存设备。
- 完全不能在家充能,你得老往又冷又脏的加气站跑。
- 司机得往孩子座椅后面的大金属罐里充高压液态氢(你要是觉得电动车起火吓人,等着看氢气着火吧)。
- 谁愿意住在氢气加注站附近啊?(因为那儿肯定还存着汽油……这不就成炸弹库了吗)。
- 电动车最美的地方就是简单。零件越少越好,电动车的工作原理很简单。
Biggest car company in the world thought it had enough power and money to influence the whole market
Sounds like the Japanese thinking back in the 80’s. Remember Sony memory stick?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
One thing common about Chinese and Japanese, they both wanna control the market, the winner takes all mindset.
Toyota is rich, so they don't care if it takes 50 years for hydrogen to be put to practical use. Toyota Research & Development Laboratory, Inc., the basic research institute of the Toyota Group, is conducting research on "artificial photosynthesis" and extracting hydrogen from "formic acid."
I remember being told that Hydrogen cars are the future twenty years ago. This was expected to happen by 2040. But in the meantime the EV revolution happened.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The 134 buyers of Toyota's hydrogen cars are probably employees or substantial shareholders of the company
If Toyota is so believed hydrogen cars they should get their sales in Japan up first than global market.
Hydrogen leaks more easily than any other gas.
The entire point of an EV to me was freeing myself from the chains of the gas station business model. With gasoline vehicles you must go 100% of the time to oil industry crack dealer. With EVs, I can charge from my solar panels at home, from the grid at home, from hotel slow chargers, or from Superchargers. It’s no contest. I;m free.
Japan betted on hydrogen early
Problem with storing energy as hydrogen is converting hydrogen is very inefficient
Hydrogen was a good bet, even with the inefficiency, when battery technology was not sufficient to build a BEV with reasonable range for a reasonable price. The problem was continuing to bet on it when battery technology improved. Hydrogen could still be a viable option for large planes and ships, but battery technology can now handle any road transport.
Especially if the point of hydrogen is to make it into electricity, then why not just store it as electricity to begin with and skip a volatile step (hydrogen)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yeah Nah, the ability to EASILY generate your own fuel (often for free) for a normal EV, trumps having to go to somewhere else to get it. Hydrogen won't survive !
They got it majorly wrong. The cost of hydrogen stations are crazy there were very few of them and then you pay a lot more for hydrogen. All of which the EV solves.On top of that EV's are selling massively now and are increasing every month.
Just What were Toyota up to?
I find it incredible to believe that they actually believed that Hydrogen was a viable technology!