




imagine where we'd be if American oil, gas and coal didn't spend decades obfuscating alternate forms of energy... we'd probably have nuclear everywhere, and be deep into fusion energy at this point. Batteries would've been even more advanced due to the abundance of clean energy.

And probably not staring down the barrel of a slow moving (relative to human life spans)cclimate crisis.

At least someone is taking the lead on this issue, thank fuck. too bad it means the inevitable decline of the western hegemony. but fuck them... all lip service towards freedoms, but only meaning short term selfish freedoms in practice.





Even further, the price of energy is fundamental to the price of everything in the entire economy. Everything we have is just raw resources combined with energy via human labor. If the price of energy increases every step along the supply chain increases in price too. I remember silly calculations like how when peak oil hits bacon will be $30 a pound. On the other hand if energy costs plummet (due to nuclear being built out decades ago) we could all be living our Jetsons future right now.

The fossil fuel lobbyists made themselves a little bit richer but society as a whole is much, much poorer.

再细想一下,能源价格是整个经济中一切价格的基础。我们所拥有的一切都只是通过人类劳动与能源相结合的原始资源。如果能源价格上涨,供应链上的每一个环节的价格也会上涨。我还记得一些愚蠢的计算,比如当石油峰值到来时,培根的价格会达到 30 美元一磅。另一方面,如果能源成本急剧下降(由于几十年来核能的建设),我们现在就可以过上“杰森一家”的未来生活。



Yes. China is going to dominate the energy and auto industries in the developing world. It didn’t need to be that way but the west has squandered their tremendous advantages and will have a hard time competing going forward.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


They don't care.. current asset owners made a literal killing (of money and billions of people) and are enjoying their own lives.

Future be fked.




the west has squandered their tremendous advantages

Yeah but we made a few hundred people billionaires, that's progress /s




Are you suggesting that capitalist greed focused on short term profits and extracting wealth cause the west to lose out on such a revolutionary industry?!



I'm saying Ford's going to continue focusing on making ever-bigger F150's until the platform is no longer wildly profitable, and then make excuses to their shareholders about why they're behind on quality, reliability and innovation in the EV space. It's the American way.

我的意思是,福特会继续专注于生产更大的 F150,直到该平台不再盈利,然后再向股东们找借口,解释为什么他们在电动车领域的质量、可靠性和创新方面落后了。这就是美国人的作风。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


”And that’s why we require hundreds of billions in taxpayer subsidies to help us catch up from this unforeseeable setback.”



Dont forget the billions in tax payer subsidies they'll need to stay relevant.

That's on top of the Chinese tarrifs they've lobbied for.

And who pays for all this? The regular person who also pays way more for tariffed vehicles.





ironically just a few days ago Ford CEO Chris Farley said the same thing... that the US is going to be completely overtaken by Chinese EV tech and that they should be focussing on small EVs... so he talks the talk but then bets it all on the F150.

And for US and EU its all about tariffs. That's their only tool.

And then in countries that do not have tariffs you have a sub usd$20k EV that does 250 miles on a charge...

讽刺的是,就在几天前,福特公司首席执行官克里斯-法利也说过同样的话......他说美国将被中国的电动汽车技术完全超越,他们应该把重点放在小型电动汽车上......因此,他可以说得头头是道,但却把全部赌注押在了 F150 上。


而在那些没有关税的国家,你可以拥有一辆售价不到 2 万美元的电动汽车,充电后可行驶 250 英里......

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


BYD already has plans for Europe and we will see how that goes but if it goes well then that means that it will come to Canada. I am sure however USA wll tell BYD that they can't come to the USA and use National Security Concerns as the main reason even if they pass any/all Safety regulations of the USA.



why would it come to canada? the canadian government just does whatever america does, and it doesn't have EU car standards which is why canadians can't import european cars, and byd has no real interest in a market as small as canada



BYD just started to sell in Europe and has a plant there. As for Canada I can see them wanting to test a market like USA and Canada isn’t as xenophobic as Americans. They already have a plant in Mexico so just need to ship them.



At some level this will get resistance from consumers. I’m already seeing stuff about cheap EVs in Australia and New Zealand. If that extends to Europe and Canada people will not just be content to pay premium prices in America for something everyone else is getting cheaper.



I feel this depends on who wins the election. If Trump wins then we will see America become very isolationist i fear and become where people saying "American products over all else" and even Toyota, Honda, Nissan, VW, etc are seen as less deserable over American made brands even if this is bad for us.



capital doesn't lose, just people

america's china ev policy will ensure car manufacturers will continue to be able to print money off american backs long into china's ev age


