



Lactose Intolerant

I had just started working at that time. A colleague went on a business trip to the United States. When he came back, he said to us, "Do you know that I am actually lactose intolerant? I had severe diarrhea after drinking real milk in the United States. Do you want to try it on you guys?"



A few days later, he mysteriously brought back an Amazon box with an ice pack inside. He took out a large American-style box of milk and poured a glass for each of us, saying that this was the real milk he drank in the United States and asked us all to try it.


You know what, this is real milk... It really smells like cow. In the afternoon, everyone in the office went to the toilet together. Fortunately, our toilet is a shared one on the first floor, so it is sufficient. He smiled and said nothing: You are all actually lactose intolerant, but you just didn't know that you have been drinking fake milk?


But one of my colleagues thought something was wrong. He lived in the village and had a dairy cow. Last month, he went back to his hometown and had two big bowls of milk in the morning. What happened? Could it be that the breed of the cow was different? The two of them started arguing about this. The colleague who had been to the United States said that your family must have diluted the milk in advance, and the colleague who raised cows said that your milk might have gone bad after being shipped across half the world.


Until a colleague took the box and studied it and said, "Hey, you know this is raw milk?" Then our boss shared the kettle he used to make tea, boiled the remaining box of milk, and everyone drank it. Nothing happened, and the smell of animal food was gone, it was completely the familiar milk taste...


Peanut Allergy

Let me talk about an allergy that many people may have heard of - allergy to peanuts and peanut products. This type of allergy is quite common in Europe and America, especially the United States, and once it occurs it can be very serious. If the person around you doesn't have an epinephrine pen for first aid, the person may die. China recently opened up a 144-hour visa-free policy, and a large number of Europeans and Americans came to China for short-term tourism.



As a result, many people did not realize that they had eaten peanuts until a long time after eating peanut products, because they did not experience any symptoms after eating. This is very interesting, as it means that they are most likely not allergic to peanuts, but to additives or something else. However, this allergen appears in large quantities in peanut products in Europe and the United States.




I always say that the Chinese dream is more real than the American dream now. The American dream is like the lottery. Most people will work full time, maybe several jobs, to live in poverty. While China enjoys a modern, convenient and safe lifestyle.


@Harry Chung

The American dream is no longer a dream, it’s now the American Nightmare, ask all the homeless on the streets of America.


@@Hannah Madden

Or the average person shopping.


@@Wander Everywhere

After I lived or traveled several countries, I should say yes China now is not bad comparing to most of countries in the world.



A lot of people in China work two or three jobs, have you heard of 996? It mean 9am to 9pm 6 days per week.



One of my exes worked a job like that yes. Nothing that will make you rich, but a full time is enough to live. Also, as he got experience, he got better and better pay and better working conditions (like two days weekends).

Worse paid jobs like constructions or security will provide free or cheap housing in dorms and cheap food at the canteen, so that even crappy jobs let you save money or send it to your wife in another city.

Also, most jobs with long hours don't expect you to be productive all the time. Security guards at the gate of residence can have very very long shifts but can sit most of it in the small air conditioned cabin playing on their phone.



There are people who don't make money and work a lot, but public transports are cheap and convenient, food is very cheap, utilities are cheap, there is healthcare and retirement pension.


So, poors in China have it better than poors in the US, where there is no social security net, where everything is overpriced (transport, mostly individual, utilities, rent, healthcare…).


Part of it is that China is getting wealthier while the US is collapsing, but part of it is also socialist country vs capitalist hellhole.


@Luke Wang

Copied from Silicon Valley



Except for the government



Seriously, that's not fake milk

That's cooked milk.

Like the UHT stuff.




@Johannes Sulistyo

Most milks around the world are pasteurised. It is not necessarily UHT (Ultra High Temperature).

There is the milk shelf life that indicates whether it is UHT or simply produced in pristine clean and sterile environment. UHT can last for 6 months or even a year, it is usually canned or in carton boxes.



Fresh pasteurised milk are in carton or plastic jugs - they last for 1 week up to a month - more than that it is just not possible.

Raw milk smells like the animal indeed, I also drank that in a farm, I got a nauseating experience easily because of the lingering smell, not necessarily lactose intolerance.



@Vikram Deep

It is boiled milk.


@Roy Goh

At first, I was skeptical about the raw milk story. Then I read this:

Map of State Laws on the Sale of Unpasteurized Cow's Milk, 2012–2019.

Apparently, it is possible to buy unpasteurized milk at retail in some states.




This goes against my common sense as I have been taught that raw milk can contain viruses and bacteria. And that’s the whole point of pasteurization.

That said, the idea someone would fly a bottle of milk in a cold pack from the US to CN for shared diarrhea session is… bonkers.



@Neha Jha

So Americans drink raw milk


@Xane Feng

It's not “raw” or “real” milk. It's pasteurized milk. Raw milk is a whole other can of worms.

Chinese can drink boiled milk with no issues, because the lactose in milk is broken down after boiling.

The taste between boiled and unboiled milk is also completely different. Packaged milk sold in China has a peculiar flavor that I don't particularly enjoy.




@Sandor Marton

Lactose isn't broken down with boiling


@VC Enzo

Same thing happened with bread back in Ireland. A friend of mine moved to Ireland and opened a French bakery, he made real French bread with French imported flour. Some people who claimed not being able to eat bread tried his and had NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER. super odd


@@Forest Kirst

What a poor attempt at storytelling.

In the USA they don't sell raw milk in stores. Chinese cows give raw milk just like American cows.

Most people don't have peanut allergies so they can eat peanuts in China also.




@Tim Maynard

When people see the work hours that the Chinese put in they will soon move back.

