【社会】 你认为法国人的哪个习惯特别?




Richard Muller

The fact that a French person will not snack or otherwise eat if there are people nearby who are not also eating.

Of course, this is not limited to France. I’ve seen similar politeness elsewhere in the world. But I appreciate it in France. I noticed it in France because it is so egregious in the US. People here frequently eat in front of others.

I once adopted a rule for my classroom. I told my students that they were welcome to eat food in class, but only if they shared it with anyone nearby who wanted some. If a nearby student could smell the food, or hear it crunch, then they must be accommodated.

Remarkably, my students didn’t complain. They understood. But I don’t recall anyone eating in class after that.





Bruce Epstein

Quite a vast question, but I will venture to say that what I most admired about the French was 2 habits:

The ability to enjoy life no matter what happens around them;

The ability to disagree (even violently) with someone’s opinions yet still consider them a friend and hold them in high esteem




Rob Richards

The first thing that comes to mind is dinner and conversation. In Canada we’ll go out for dinner sometimes but not very often. We’ll have dinner in a very un-celebratory way at home. No so for the French.

Dinner is later in the evening and it seemed like half the town was out. People are crowded together inside and outside and down the street. Not just single people or couples but also families. I have fond memories of great discussion of food, likes, travel, and some politics around a great meal, like: Moules Frites or Soupe à L'oignon or Steak Tartare. It’s about wine, food and conversation, all with equal weight. And it can go late into the night, whether at the restaurant or in the home. Such fond memories. I should go back.

The other thing I consider exceptional is the passion for the individual over the corporation and government. The year I spent in Bordeaux I saw three protests - and I am sure I missed some. They were campaigning for worker rights, and there were many people marching. If one does not stand up for rights they are slowly eroded as in many other countries.




Martin Smith

For me the exceptional habit is what the French call “faire la bise”. It’s not just a kiss like the rather feeble imitation that the British tend to do these days, but a whole way of greeting where people’s cheeks meet at the least twice and you show to the other person that you are not afraid of rubbing your face against theirs or catching their germs.

I was horrified to hear a specialist on the radio the other day say that the French should adopt the American “hug” to avoid the transmission of germs.

“Faire la bise” is not necessarily sex-specific and there are some male friends I do it with. In other countries that would probably set off some homophobic remark.

(Another great French habit is when making out a cheque. You fill out the amount and sign it and give it to the person, who is then meant to fill in the name. I once tried that in England and I was immediately reprimanded for inciting corruption! So in France people consider you honest until you prove things otherwise, whereas in Britain everyone is considered a potential criminal and you have to prove your honesty!).

对我来说,法国人的一个非凡习惯是所谓的“faire la bise”(贴面礼)。这不仅仅是亲吻,而是人们脸颊相贴的问候方式,通常至少两次,显示出你不怕与对方亲密接触或感染他们的细菌。


“faire la bise”并不局限于性别,我也有一些男性朋友会这样做。在其他国家,这可能会引起一些恐同的评论。


Patricia Valdoz

They speak softly in public places. I barely encounter any French in tram or restaurant who speaks loudly. They keep the volume of their voices low that they almost whisper.

They ‘taste’ their food & drink. They don't just swallow them. Whenever they have dinner, they give their opinion about the meal, whether it's excellent or not, or whether it's well-cooked or overcooked.



Fred Landis

The well-intentioned insistance that all the rituals that are part of a French 3 course meal be observed in all places and all times, including trains, airplanes, boats, rain, farm, rural,urban, factory, and public schools -as a national right and obligation.

Three generations seated around a dinner table and the last person to arrive going around and kissing each person on the cheek before taking their seat.



Craig Fechter

Tidiness/work ethic/attention to detail.

My wife is from eastern France (Strasbourg, Alsace) and her parents recently moved here (recent is all relative, they moved here about 11 years ago to be with their children). I have gotten to witness them first hand now for those 11 years, in addition to knowing them previously (of course and visiting them and their relatives in Alsace.

Her parents are extraordinarily hard workers when it comes to personal cleanliness, which includes their home environment. They purchased a house a number of years ago and have literally spent nearly every day in 9 years working on it and at this point have built an asset with substantial value. The attention to detail comes into simple things, as in, installing bumpers for all their cabinetry. When you close a cabinet at their house (or even at my house now) there are bumpers that soften the blow, simply so you don’t have to hear the loud noise of it closing. I sometimes will jump at my office where we have cabinetry that doesn’t close nearly as softly.

You can extrapolate that out to nearly every aspect of their lives. Everything is clean and well put together, which is a result of their work ethic and attention to detail.





Jay Romuald

The ability to fill the terasses of cafes as soon as there is a ray of sunshine (even in full week) because nobody work in Paris, in fact.

The habit of complaining about the weather whether it's hot, cold, rainy or dry.

Our habit of going on strike (for us, the strike is often a nice moment, the French teenagers are trained there from high school) and organizing mass protests.

Our habit of answering to Americans who ask us for informations directly in English in Paris, without even making the effort to have a mind to say "Bonjour", or ask us : "do you speak english?". We are very nice.

This habit to think that we are still a important country ("Fake it till you make it" say Americans) A noble habit of our politicians who always think to have some influence on the world.

This habits of making movies that starts on Monday morning when the hero gets out his trash. In these films there is no murder, no explosion, no trip in the future, no alien invasion ... just people talking. We make hundreds of movies like that and we love them.







