原文 Why do Chinese people have such an affinity with foreigners who move to China?
People from Asian countries are treated very differently in China. If we don't speak, the Chinese may not be able to tell whether we are Japanese, Korean or Singaporean. But once they find out, they often get different treatment.First of all, we Singaporeans are the most popular. While they will give you the convenience of foreigners, they will treat you like a Chinese, reducing many hypocritical politenesses. 来自亚洲国家的人在中国受到的待遇非常不同。如果我们不说话,中国人可能分不清我们是日本人、韩国人还是新加坡人。但一旦他们发现,往往会得到不同的待遇。首先,我们新加坡人是最受欢迎的。他们虽然会给你外国人一样的便利,但会像中国人一样对待你,减少了很多虚伪的礼貌。
Secondly, the treatment of Japanese people is also good. Although I have always heard that China and Japan have historical animosity, from what I have observed, most Japanese are treated well in China. This may be related to the fact that the Japanese themselves are very polite and humble.Finally, Koreans are treated poorly. Many Chinese confided to me privately their impatience and disgust with Koreans. So, if you don’t want to tell people which country you are from, don’t lie and say you are Korean.Finally, I would like to give an extra reminder to my Singaporean compatriots.其次,日本人的待遇也不错。虽然我一直听说中国和日本有历史仇恨,但据我观察,大多数日本人在中国都受到很好的待遇。这可能与日本人本身就非常有礼貌、谦逊有关。最后,韩国人的待遇很差。许多中国人私下向我倾诉他们对韩国人的不耐烦和厌恶。所以,如果你不想告诉别人你来自哪个国家,就不要撒谎说你是韩国人。最后,我想特别提醒新加坡同胞。
If you travel to China like me, you happen to be a Singaporean of Chinese descent like me, and you can speak Chinese.Then you will get an advantage: Chinese people usually don't regard you as a foreigner, and you can easily integrate with them. and go about your work and business.But you will also get a disadvantage: in some places, especially small cities, it is difficult for you to get "super-national treatment" because you lack a foreign face.如果你像我一样去中国旅行,你恰好是像我一样有华裔血统的新加坡人,你也会说中文。那么你就会得到一个优势:中国人通常不把你当作外国人,你可以很容易地融入他们。继续你的工作和生意。但你也会遇到一个劣势:在一些地方,尤其是小城市,你很难获得“超国民待遇”。因为你缺乏一张外国人的面孔。
总结一下吧,评论就不复制转载了,大多数外国人认为中国对美国人日本人还有新加坡人很有好感, 最讨厌的是韩国人,其他都中规中矩 ,我发现老外的眼光很毒辣啊,至少表面现象都看在他们眼中了。
如果对的话,为什么会讨厌韩国人 却喜欢日本和美国人呢? 讨论一下吧?