

Wion等印度主流媒体至今仍固执的把新冠病毒称之为武汉病毒,执意认为香港曾经是英国领土被英转交中国(hand over, 注意不是交还),而中国背信弃义有负当初对英国的承诺。 






每个种族,每个民族都会为自己的前途,想尽一切办法穷尽一切途径。 美国人和印度人也不例外,并且他们这方面的热情有可能大于中国人的渴望。 安德鲁·萨克逊人与印度人曾经维持了近500年的高低搭配合作关系和传统。中国人并不熟悉他们之间的复杂关系。















印度迦勒万河谷事件期间我曾频繁在印度媒体和西方媒体发文,提倡和推广中国和平发展的理念,提议尽快恢复重开亚东口岸。其中有一篇得到了印度人的热烈回应,我将它粘贴在后面。除此以外我还就中国社会主义市场经济发展道路与西方对比发表论述中美博弈 ≈ 劳资博弈,遗憾被风闻编辑卡住,发了3次都被退回草稿箱。希望哪位小编看到这里帮忙处理一下放它出来。

印度还是有不少的人能够理智认清美西方的凶险和对抗中国选择的愚蠢。其中有一位印度退伍军人Pravin Sawhney经常在Force军事网站上发表视频观点,反对中印对抗;张维为最近邀请的印度学者Vijay更是主张中俄印联合对抗西方和北约。决策层也有现任外交部长借香卡这样头脑清醒的官员。但总的来说他们在印度只是少数。

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." —Frost.

I'd like to ask the Indian audience a question: If I make you a millionaire for life and for generations to come in exchange for 1% of your worst barren land, are you willing to take my offer? 

From being on PAR with India in the 1980s to having its economy increase 6fold over India 40 years later. Why? what had China done? I think the most important reason is China made peace with its enemies and rivals including the US in 1972,  Japan soon after, and Russia in the 1990s, etc. by making huge national sacrifices. 

By the end of the1990s, China has either resolved or deferred border disputes with its 14 neighboring countries, all except India. During the process, China stopped arguing with Russia over disputed Chinese territory of 350,000 mile²s (910,000 km², or 4.6X Gujarat), delineated boundaries, stopped claiming Sakhalin, Vladivostok, and many other previously Chinese territories; Deferred territorial disputes with Japan; and even gave Vietnam Bạch Long Vĩ, an island which was undisputedly Chinese, and half of Baekdu Mountain and surrounding areas to N. Korea. China also slowed down pursuing Taiwan until very recently.

Can China and India find a path to resolve their border dispute? Ask yourself this question if you're an Indian: Do I prefer a piece of barren land in Aksai Chin अक्साई चिन to a national economy the same size as China's every year for the rest of India's future? given India has already taken China's Arunachal Pradesh अरुणाचल प्रदेश, and China has mostly kept silent about it and India's annexation of the Kingdom of Sikkim? 

Ask yourself if you are willing to give up your life for a piece of land your fellow Indians are not even going to live on after u donated yours. If the answer is no, then please don't expect others to donate theirs. 

Conclusion: no more human lives sacrificed for land, We need world peace, life is short, and it's not worth dying because of land. If there is anything India can learn from China, it is this: That you have to give up something to gain something, no pain, no gain. India will get nowhere before it makes the critical and crucial choice: Land or Economy, one or the other, not both. 

The saddest thing is that most people in this world, especially in India, are fretting over trivials while missing the big secret to prosperity and tremendous wealth. I predict many Indian bots are going to start arguing with me for instance, to whom Arunachal Pradesh अरुणाचल प्रदेश belongs. If so, you are not getting my message. 

I don't know about India and what it will become but I know for sure that China will be so far ahead of the rest of the world one day that it will not even have to lift a finger to take back what is rightfully its own, including Taiwan and other previously forsaken lands from Russia, India, Japan, and the US because it has shedded its burdens and taken the road less traveled i.e. ≈ the road with least resistance.

India has come to the crossroad again, no one can stop it from choosing to follow the Western mainstream and travel with the Himalayas on its back but I am simply here to point out it doesn't have to.
