
500终焉之时提督卡利班讨逆军务总兵官 诺艾尔小天使天下第一

谁赢得了长津湖战役?Who Won the Chosin Reservoir Campaign?

谁赢得了长津湖战役是中国第九兵团还是美军第十军?在某种意义上,每个人都可以宣称胜利。决定谁获胜的一条经验法则是,在战斗结束后,谁掌控着战场?从这方面来说,中国人的主张具有不可否认的决定性。三野第九兵团确实迫使联合国军从整个朝鲜东北部撤离,并从那里通过海路撤离。它确实完全保护了四野的左翼,该部此时正在攻击西部的美军第八军,并且阻止了第十军帮助该军,因为林彪的老兵们在赶走了美国第八军通过一次近乎恐慌的撤退中。这些都是巨大的成功。但第九兵团并没有摧毁海军陆战队第1师,这是它宣称的任务,也没有在1950年11月27日至12月12日的一系列战斗中击败第十军,以及随后在12月24日完成的撤离行动中围绕亨纳姆周边的小规模行动。Who won the Chosin Reservoir campaignthe Chinese IX Army Group or the X Corps? Each can claim victory in a certain sense. One rule of thumb in deciding who wins is to ask, Who holds the battlefield after the fighting is over? In this respect the Chinese claim has a finality that cannot be denied. The CCF IX Army Group of the Third Field Army did force UN forces from all of northeast Korea and an evacuation from there by sea. It did fully protect the left flank of the CCF Fourth Field Army divisions, which attacked Eighth Army in the west, and it prevented the X Corps from helping that army as Lin Piao's veterans drove the US Eighth Army out of North Korea in a near-panic retreat. These were great successes. But the IX Army Group did not destroy the 1st Marine Division, which was its avowed mission, and it did not defeat the X Corps in the series of battles extending from 27 November to 12 December 1950 and the subsequent minor actions around the Hungnam perimeter during the evacuation, which was completed on 24 December

第十军可以宣称在长津湖取得了战斗胜利,因为作为一项军事行动,它在一系列战斗中击败了CCF IX集团军,使其能够将大部分部队作为有效的作战战术单位撤到海岸,并进行有序的撤离,保持部队的完整性,保存并保留了几乎所有的装备(美国第7师第31步兵战斗队除外),并在撤离后组成一支随时准备战斗的部队,可投入其他地方行动。

The X Corps can claim a battle victory in the Chosin Reservoir in the sense that, as a military operation, it defeated the CCF IX Army Group in a series of battles that enabled it to withdraw most of its forces as effective combat tactical units to the seacoast and to proceed with an orderly evacuation, retaining unit integrity, saving and retaining virtually all its equipment (excepting the US 31st Infantry Combat Team of the 7th Division), and constituting upon evacuation a battle-ready force that could be committed to action elsewhere.

以上来自 Escaping the Trap The Us Army X Corps in Northeast Korea, 1950 (Texas a and M University Military History Series, 14) by Roy Edgar Appleman。也是英文维基百科引用比较多的资料


其实这个和我很好奇,美国哪本军史分析文章都没说过长津湖是美军赢了吧? 撑死说陆战一师史密斯师长谨慎的有先见之明,在情况极端不利下(被志愿军彻底打懵逼)利用美军的整体装备优势果断跑路成功并打出了不错的伤亡比是一个亮点。 为啥有人会问谁是胜利者这个观点?我很同意沈林煜同学的观点,胜利是针对战斗目的而言的,美国陆战一师这一战的最开始战斗目的一开始难道是成功跑路避免伤筋动骨? 显然不是么。。。 否则的话,直接扭头就向南走,不与志愿军接触,不更可以实现这个战斗目的? 这场战役最简单的陈述就是: 美军进攻,志愿军设伏,美军发现艹,有埋伏后,扭头就跑,志愿军没拦住。 可以说,除了最后没拦住,志愿军都是赢的啊。作者:刘翔熙链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/26824436/answer/660116881来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。


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