




We Thai people don't care about Japanese cars. We want what best for us and our country.



Not ONLY Thailand. Malaysia , Singapore, Indonesia, Philipines, LAOS, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. Why ... Chinese EV are BETTER Quality and Features, Slightly more expensive , Much Cheaper to Run and Maintain, Longer warranties . CONSUMERS now have a wider choice and better quality.



Welcome to the real world Japan.



Have to say that not having to inhale ICE tailpipe exhaust is a new & refreshing experience

不得不说,不用吸入燃油车 排气管废气是一种全新而令人耳目一新的体验


Japanese automakers have had a stranglehold on Asian auto market for decades. When you have like 90% market share, there's nowhere to go but down.

日本汽车制造商几十年来一直垄断亚洲汽车市场。当市场份额达到 90% 时,就只有走下坡路了。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


This will be a Harvard Business School case study for decades to come - alongside Kodak, Nokia and IBM.

这将成为未来几十年哈佛商学院的研究案例——与柯达、诺基亚和 IBM 并列。


For all the lies they spread about EV. They had it coming. They can build hydrogen vehicles.



We have to keep in mind all the times the Japanese car makers deliberately did the wrong things with regard to adopting electric. Over and over again. Even crossing over into criminality. At this point, you just have to say they have it coming. They asked for it.



Toyotas CEO team obviously have completely lost their marbles.

丰田的 CEO 团队显然已经完全失去了理智。


Thailand: Subaru quits. Honda halves out output. Toyota and Suzuki cut back. BYD making Dolphins locally, batteries coming. More EVs every day. EVs everywhere...



Let the Japanese automakers go out of business in Thailand. Chinese made BYD EV's are superior to Japanese ICE vehicles.



Indonesia is next. Just like thailand. Byd is eating toyota and hondas lunch.



competition is always good for consumers.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


China EVs industry is incredibly impressive. Well done China ️



For the consecutive 5 months this year, Japanese auto car sales in Thailand have dropped compared to the previous year.... even they still make a large percentage of thai market, but the rapid market sales down is hitting them until Subaru manufacture cease production in Asean, and Honda has stop one of their car assembly plant in Thailand and convert to part manufacturer only. And toyota Corolla's new PHEV model will use BYD DMi hybrid system, Toyota use to be leading in hybrid technology now have to use BYD hybrid system. This tells us a lot about why the japanese auto market is in decline.

今年已连续 5 个月,日本汽车在泰国的销量与去年相比有所下降……尽管日本汽车在泰国市场仍占有较大的份额,但市场销量的快速下滑对他们造成了沉重打击,直到斯巴鲁停止在东盟的生产,本田关闭了其在泰国的一家汽车装配厂,转而成为零部件制造商。而且丰田卡罗拉的新款插电混动车型将采用比亚迪DMi混合动力系统,曾经在混合动力技术上领先的丰田现在也不得不采用比亚迪的混合动力系统。这在很大程度上解释了日本汽车市场为何会走下坡路。


Toyota had their chance, they were working with and investing in Tesla early on. They decided to bail and sell their stake.



Japan auto industry is in trouble, it's too rigid in its own ways, really don't like change or admitting they got something wrong.

Honda for example, they're so deluded they think selling a base model Civic for $48k is a good idea. No more Jazz, no more City, no more Odessey. Basically, nothing under $40k if you want a Honda vehicle, with piss poor options, and one of the lowest warranty on the market, then they wonder why people look elsewhere.

I loved my little 2013 Civic hatch, zippy little 4 banger that was cheap and cheerful motoring with a 6-speed manual box. Now that it's time to move it on, I'm saying hello to a BYD Seal soon.


例如本田,他们太自欺欺人了,他们认为以 48000 美元的价格出售基本款思域是个好主意。不包括 Jazz(飞度海外版),不包括思迪,也不包括奥德赛。基本上,如果你想要一辆本田汽车,价格不会低于 40000 美元,而且选配很差,保修期是市场上最低的之一,然后他们确还想知道为什么消费者会把目光投向别处。

我很喜欢我那辆2013款的思域敞篷小轿车,配置小型 4 缸发动机,6速手动变速箱,价格便宜,驾驶体验极佳。现在是时候把它开走,我很快就会入手比亚迪海豹了。


I went to the large annnual auto show in Bangkok, EV sellers every popular. toyota did not have one BEV. they are sleeping



The writing is on the wall, nobody can compete with China and their gov with cars except Tesla.



The 3 generation rules :

1 gen. Founds a successful business

2 gen. Run and expand the business

3 gen. Dunning-Krugger effect idiot runs the business into the ground.

Akio Toyoda’s long list of strategical business errors will be teached as the perfect example of not what to do in a car business management. In the future he will be labeled the most destructive man in Japan’s industrial history.

(富不过)3 代规则:

1 代,创立成功的企业

2 代,经营和扩展业务

3 代,邓宁-克鲁格效应,白痴将企业经营得一团糟。


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


The world has been paying for overpriced cars for decades, because they had no alternatives



Yes, the SAME is true here in Singapore and Malaysia.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


AITO M9: Best Back Seat EVER



Feel very sorry for Japan,

Prime example of what happens when big business dictates national policy




Many countries recognize that foreign oil dependence and the resulting trade deficits is undesirable for economic autonomy over the long haul. Thailand is a net oil importer, mostly from the UAE and Saudi Arabia. It makes total sense for these countries to move away from fossil fuel imports ASAP. One would think that Japan, a huge importer of foreign oil, would lead the way with high tech EV adoption. But this resistance to progress underlines the massive global economic and political power that the oil cartel and multinational legacy automakers exert to maintain their current profits and "business as usual" existence.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


The Japanese are too conservative, I would say stubborn, 4 Japanese companies or an ally should make the engine on cylinders even more efficient, but this is a big waste of resources - the future is electric and if you haven't received the train, you're dead and the Japanese, what can I say, are making their own harakiri )))) - I don't understand why it's so complicated to make an electric car - battery £5,000 - engine £1,000, 4 wheels, a steering wheel, 5 seats, body, glass and a tablet and that costs £80,000 - you're only dreaming money and this will be the end of them - China knows the direction and no one can stop them))))

日本人太保守了,我想说他们很固执,4 家日本公司或一个盟友应该让气缸上的发动机更加高效,但这是一种巨大的资源浪费——未来是电动的,如果你没有赶上火车,你就死定了,而日本人,我能说什么呢,正在自己切腹自尽。我不明白为什么制造一辆电动汽车如此复杂——电池 5000 英镑——发动机 1000 英镑,4 个轮子,一个方向盘,5 个座位,车身,玻璃和一台平板电脑,总共值 80000 英镑——这只不过是你在做梦,这将是他们的末日——中国知道方向,没有人可以阻止他们。


Here in Aruba, I see every day Neta, Haval, BYD, and a bunch if other Chinese EVs, they are slowly but surely taking over. I own a Honda civic and a CRV, I love both of these cars, but my next car will be an EV, not even a hybrid.

在阿鲁巴,我每天都能看到 Neta、哈弗、比亚迪和许多其他中国电动汽车,它们正在缓慢但稳步地占据市场。我有一辆本田思域和一辆 CRV,我喜欢这两款车,但我的下一辆车将是电动汽车,甚至不是混合动力车。


It is not only BYD Everywhere. Wuling Bingo in Indonesia. They just like it. 10.000 Dollar Wuling Bingo in Indonesia. In Salvador Bahia Brasil BYD Factories. Work for 10.000 Baianos. Clean Air Blue Sky Health Better Life.

不仅仅是比亚迪无处不在。印尼五菱宾果。他们就是喜欢它。五菱宾果在印尼卖 10000 美元。在巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多的比亚迪工厂为 10000 名巴伊亚人提供就业。空气清洁,蓝天健康,更美好的生活。


New Nissan Leaf in Australia: $40,000, Panasonic 39kWh battery, no thermal control, 270km range.

BYD Dolphin and MG4 51kWh, both cost also $40,000! MG4 51kWh CATL battery has 370km range or 100km more for the same price, so who is going to buy a Leaf as they will no longer be made anyway??

澳大利亚新款日产聆风:40000 美元,松下 39kWh 电池,无热控制,续航里程 270 公里。

BYD 海豚和 MG4 51kWh,两者的价格也都是 40000 美元!MG4 51kWh CATL 电池的续航里程为 370 公里,价格相同,续航里程多 100 公里,所以谁会购买 Leaf,因为它们无论如何都不会再生产了?


As an Aussie who lives in Thailand for the past 10+ years, you can take it to the bank that Thai’s LOVE EV’s. As with everything novel Thai’s jump at the opportunity to be the first & consider it a status symbol which is very important to them…

作为一名在泰国生活了 10 多年的澳大利亚人,你可以确信泰国人喜欢电动车。就像对待一切新奇事物一样,泰国人抓住机会成为第一个电动车制造商,并将其视为对他们来说非常重要的身份象征……
