



David Chan

Why is healthcare in the United States so expensive when compared to other countries which provide treatment of comparable or better quality?

There is a long list of reasons but here's a start.


1. Americans won't permit or accept healthcare rationing. America spends much more for care in the last 6 months of life than any other country. By a lot.

Walk through any ICU and you'll routinely see some people in vegetative conditions with virtually no chance of getting better. Yet they are receiving a full court press with anything and everything that can be done from the standpoint of medical technology.



Some of the push for this care comes from families who are adamant against witholding or withdrawing care. But doctors are also guilty of over-treatment. We all know some crazy doctors who believe that miracles can happen daily in the ICU regardless of how hopeless the situation may be.


The expense is enormous and American families are divorced from it. If the patient is uninsured, the costs are absorbed by the treating hospital and the doctors. If the patient is insured, the deductible has been met and the rest is paid for by insurance or via the taxpayers .


You won't see this in any other country with a national health service. Elderly patients don't get started on dialysis in the NHS in England. They die of kidney failure. You won't see 75 or 80 year olds getting quadruple bypass surgery either. Cancer patients in Canada and England routinely don't get $10,000 a month drugs for cancer treatment that prolongs life by several months (on average). The drugs either aren't available at all like in Canada (where some cancer drugs never get approved), or they are made virtually unavailable through a lottery in England.


2. Americans pay much more for pharmaceuticals than anyone else in the world. The American government, under pressure from the Big Pharma lobby, refuses to negotiate discount rates for Medicare. So Americans pay 30% to 300% more than Canadians for the identical drug made in New Jersey or California.


3. There is gigantic waste and fraud in Medicaid and Medicare programs. Billing is electronic and payment is automatic. Auditing is very expensive and apparently very rarely occurs. It's so lucrative and easy to skim hundreds of millions of dollars per scheme that organized crime is now involved.

在美国联邦医疗保险(Medicare)和 联邦医疗补助(Medicaid)项目中,存在着巨大的浪费和欺诈问题。账单是电子化的,支付是自动完成的。审计过程不仅成本高昂,而且显然很少执行。由于通过欺诈手段从这些计划中骗取数亿美元的收益巨大且操作简单,现在连有组织的犯罪集团也参与其中。

There are reasonable estimates that the fraud is $120-$180 billion a year. This are astronomic numbers.


Comments are frequently made about how efficient Medicare and Medicaid are because they have such low administrative costs compared to insurance companies. (It's pretty difficult to scam insurance companies for large amounts of money.) But the administration of Medicare/Medicaid includes the Department of HHS and also various law enforcement arms of the federal government. That's not cheap. And it's apparently not very effective either.

人们经常称赞联邦医疗保险(Medicare)和 联邦医疗补助(Medicaid)的效率,因为与保险公司相比,它们的行政成本要低得多。(要从保险公司那里骗取大量资金相当困难。)但是,Medicare/Medicare的行政管理不仅涉及卫生及公共服务部(HHS),还包括联邦政府的多个执法机构。这并不便宜,而且显然效果也不尽人意。

4. Americans demand immediate access to technology. We want the ability to get an MRI tomorrow or that latest diagnostic test and treatment reported on CNN. That kind of access is incredibly expensive both in overhead — to build the facilities and purchase the machines — let alone the costs of the procedures.


We Americans want these tests sometimes, even when they are considered not necessary for good health. We ask our doctors to rule out the 1 in 10,000 event. It's human nature to want the latest and greatest of everything. But its never free and this kind of medical care costs a tremendous amount of money.


5. The wasteful practice of defensive medicine. In America there are enormous numbers of unnecessary tests and scans that are performed by a doctor to cover his/her ass just in case of a lawsuit. It's impossible to practice in America without facing the threat of litigation. I, and every doctor answering honestly, will admit to ordering defensive tests.

I've seen estimates of $600+ billion a year in unneeded tests and procedures done primarily to avoid litigation. That's a lot of money that could otherwise go to insuring the uninsured. Opponents to tort reform quote very small numbers because they only use the cost of defending lawsuits in their equation. But that's a drop in the bucket compared to what doctors in America waste so that no one will accuse them of "missing something."



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6. Regulation and certification. The regulatory process in America has become so burdensome for hospitals, clinics and physicians that to meet compliance standards, a small army of administrators and attorneys are needed to go through them. After the ACA was implemented, many doctors had to join healthcare systems to navigate them. Over the past 10 years, our clinic administrative staff more than doubled. Similarly the hospital administrative staff have increased as well to meet regulatory requirements and pass the various inspections that accompany them. There are numerous fees and licenses involved in medical care today. There is a financial cost to this that gets passed on to insurance payers.


