



EU's battery recycling mandates spark surge in market potential



The EU Batteries Regulation, which came into force on February 18, 2024, mandates that new batteries must incorporate a specified proportion of recycled materials beginning in 2031. Originally projected to be below 4GWh by 2025, this legislation is poised to escalate Europe's battery recycling capacity to 200GWh by 2040, catalyzing scrutiny of the battery resource utilization market within the continent and prompting keen interest from stakeholders in South Korea.



As reported by South Korean media outlet The Elec, the Regulation outlines that by 2031, newly manufactured batteries must contain recycled material in the following ratios: nickel 6%, cobalt 16%, lead 85%, lithium 6%. By 2036, these proportions will increase to nickel 15%, cobalt 26%, lead 85%, lithium 12%.

据韩国媒体 TheElec 报道,该项法令概略要求2031年新生产的电池中应当含有的回收旧电池材料不低于以下比例:镍6%,钴16%,铅85%,锂6%;至2036年上述材料比例则应为:镍15%,钴26%,铅85%,锂12%.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Presently, 70% of Europe's battery recycling equipment supply emanates from local enterprises, with foreign contenders such as Redwood Materials from the United States and SungEel Hitech from South Korea making inroads. Redwood Materials, founded by Tesla's former Chief Technology Officer, recently completed the acquisition of Redux Recycling, a European battery recycling firm boasting an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons.

当下,欧洲70%电池回收设备供应出自当地公司;与此同时,以美国Redwood Materials、韩国SungEel Hitech为代表的外国供货竞争者正在跑步入场。Redwood Materials由特斯拉公司前首席技术总监建立,他最近刚刚收购了欧洲当地据称拥有年处理万吨产能Redux电池回收公司。


SungEel Hitech operates two waste battery recycling plants in Hungary, with one processing facility boasting an annual capacity of 10,000 tons, focusing on the waste treatment generated during battery production. The second facility can handle batteries from 20,000 electric vehicles annually, facilitating the recycling of 50,000 tons of battery waste.

韩国SungEel Hitech公司在匈牙利开设了两个废旧电池回收工厂。其中之一据称对电池生产过程中的废料拥有年均万吨的处理能力;另一家工厂则能年均处理两万辆退役电动车电池所产生的五万吨废旧电池的能力。


Other South Korean firms are also eyeing opportunities in the European battery recycling market. Ecopro has announced collaborative ventures with SK ecoplant and TES-Envirocorp Pte to construct a battery recycling plant in Hungary, slated for completion by the end of 2024.

许多其他韩国企业也将目光瞄向了欧洲电池回收市场。Ecopro公司已经宣布与 SK ecoplant 、 TES-Envirocorp Pte公司组建合资企业,拟议中的首家电池回收工厂预计在今年年底于匈牙利完工。


IS Dongseo's acquisition of European resource utilization company BTS Technology in 2023 grants access to a factory capable of processing batteries from 50,000 electric vehicles annually. Plans are underway to establish a battery processing front-end plant in Europe.

2023年IS Dongseo对欧洲资源利用公司BTS Technology的收购使得该公司获得了年均五万辆报废电动车电池回收能力。该公司正着手设立一个欧洲头部电池处理工厂。


Approximately 48-54% of the components are recyclable for used lithium-ion batteries. A typical electric vehicle battery pack contains around 41 kilograms of nickel, 9 kilograms of cobalt, 12 kilograms of manganese, and 8 kilograms of lithium. However, sourcing materials such as nickel, lithium, and cobalt is constrained to specific countries, presenting procurement challenges.



Consequently, beyond its environmental imperatives, battery recycling holds promise for diversifying the supply chain of crucial battery materials. The Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) estimates that by 2030, the global lithium-ion battery recycling market could reach US$25.3 billion, with approximately 320,000 tons of electric vehicle battery waste sourced from Europe.

