



Joshua Engel

I have to admit, I've never been entirely sure why people are so enamored of The Lord of the Rings. I know why I am, but it's not at all for its nature as an action-adventure story.

If you watch the LotR movies, that's what you'd think they were about. The battle and action sequences get a lot more screen time than they do in the books. That's partly the nature of the medium, but I think that's what a lot of people see in the books as well, and I just don't.

Here's the way I'd put it: the amazing thing about The Lord of the Rings is what Tolkien called "secondary creation". It's the idea that the writer isn't just making up a story and asking you to suspend your belief in the real world so that you can tolerate the fact that it's not real. Rather, Tolkien wants to create a world so rich and deep that you don't have to suspend disbelief. You instead come to a secondary belief in his secondary creation.

Tolkien's world is self-complete in a way no author before or since has ever been. LotR is only the tip, a little piece of that world that pokes up to where you can see it. Even if you never read another word of Tolkien outside of the pieces published in his lifetime (LotR and The Hobbit), you can feel that the rest of the other world is out there. There are passing, unexplained references to Turin and the Silmarils and literally thousands of other names dropped in such a way as to make you realize that there's a fully-worked out story behind it.





Reading LotR isn't about actually knowing all of those back stories. It's about knowing that they exist, and that there are even more stories behind them, some of which were little more than notes jotted onto scraps of paper. Tolkien created and revised his world obsessively, and that's what makes it so riveting.

Flipping through LotR the other day I noticed that just the index of the list of songs and poems goes on for several pages. These are poems and songs in dozens of styles and even languages: Hobbit doggerel, poems in both Quenya and Sindarin, fragments of epic verse, different styles of Mannish poetry in Rohan and Gondor... on and on and on. It feels like what it's supposed to be: hundreds of authors contributing separately over thousands of years. But it isn't: it's the secondary creation of one man who created thousands of characters to populate his world.



And then there's the languages. This is the crown jewel. Tolkien created two separate but related Elvish languages, and it can be said that he wrote the whole world in order to give these languages a place to be. Languages need stories; they need myths. The stories are part of the language as much as the words are.

Language is history: nobody knew that better than Tolkien. He was an expert in the history of English, and spoke several English ancestors fluently. The only Gothic poetry in the entire world was written by Tolkien. The language of the Rohirrim is based on Old English, and even if you don't know that, you can feel it. (Actually the culture is more Gothic than Old English, though few outside philological circles would know that.)

Tolkien's secondary creation is so deep that you crave to know more. You can look in the Appendices, and if you like them, undergo the Mount Everest that is The Silmarillion. But even if you don't, even if they were never published, they are the reason that The Lord of the Rings is so utterly brilliant. You can spend a lifetime reading his back stories. It's as though he managed to genuinely fill a world, all by himself.




Elijah Kourt

What makes the Lord of the Rings so epic and beautiful, in my opinion, is not the creation itself, but rather the mastery of its creator.

The trilogy, as it is often pointed out, is nothing but a small fraction of the whole story. It is the tip of an endless iceberg in a bottomless sea of creativity; the creativity of just one man.

I think many would agree that John Ronald Reuel Tolkien can be rightfully considered as the closest thing to a literary God any author has ever been, and the fact that there are people - known as Tolkien scholars - who spend years, even decades of their lives to study him and his work, already gives an idea of his singular, remarkable uniqueness.

I am sure that even the best of them - even Christopher Tolkien, his own son - are not aware of the full, true scale of his legendarium. How could they be? In fact, I believe even John Tolkien himself lost the end of it at some point when his story grew so big and intricate, so far-reaching in time, in space, and in detail, that it gained a life of its own.





And that, in my opinion, is the greatest thing about the Lord of the Rings: not the books themselves, but the endless content about the content in them. That is how Tolkien, better than any other writer I have heard of, succeeded in creating a world so masterfully crafted that it continues to live today, long after he is gone, and which will likely never die.

You know how I felt when I had the opportunity to visit his grave in Oxford?

It was made of earth and stone, unpretentious, humble; an ordinary grave like any other. And yet I felt what I imagine a Christian feels at Temple Mount, or a Muslim at the Kaaba. I felt like a pilgrim who had reached the end of his journey: the final resting place of J.R.R. Tolkien - a great man in our Universe, the Creator of another.




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Gage Colao

Because LOTR is First and Last, Alpha and Omega, it sits upon the Iron Throne and scoffs at the futile attempts of other Fantasy novels to claim said throne. It is a paragon of its kind, a Lord of Lords, a Lion above Lambs.

Ok but seriously, besides it wonderful themes of overcoming adversity, the bonds of friendship, and perseverance; the Lord of the Rings is the bible from which all fantasy there after was inspired by. It may not be the first work of fantasy but it is the most well known. Written by an Oxford Don who was friends with other legends of literature like C.S. Lewis (the guy who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia). Lord of the Rings took Tolkien 40 years of his life to accomplish and he believed what he was writing was lost alternate history, not fantasy. He thought of himself as a chronicler of a world not a story.

That is why Lord of the Rings is so popular. As well as being the most interesting book of its time because it was ahead of its time.




Theo Giannop

Because Lord of the Rings is love, Lord of the Rings is life. I’m guessing you’re talking about the movies, so I’ll answer to that.

The LOTR movies were the first giant attempt at creating fantasy movies that would actually be good. Before that, we had Excalibur, and nothing else. It transfered epic battles of a grand scale on the big screen with great success. It made us care enough to pick up Tolkien’s books and read them. It made us fall in love with fictional places and characters. And so much more than that.

If you’re talking about the books, it’s because of the storytelling, the huge world they establish, the heroes who might fall but will certainly get back up until they succeed or die trying. The heroes who out of pride charge into Balrogs, or the High King of the Noldor who fought Morgoth one on one. The fact that when I read “Children of Hurin” I cried because Turin never got a break but he still tried.

The fact that I rooted for Sauron because he was powerful and seemed like a badass, but the books changed my mind.




