



1、Emma Sorensen

Born and raised in the United States, my first time to China was in 2016, shortly after I graduated from high school. Since I had studied Chinese for four years, as a gift for graduating my dad decided to take me on a two-week tour of China. To say that this trip was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my lifetime would not be an exaggeration.


There are people in China who are very rich. Most of what Americans hear about the Chinese is the extreme poverty that they experience. While it is true that we did see many poorer families while on our trip, we also saw a very luxurious side of China that I didn’t even know existed. The area that appeared to be the wealthiest was definitely Shanghai. There were luxury stores (i.e., Gucci. Tiffany’s, Prada, etc.) all over the city, and there were always Chinese people shopping at these stores. Not only that, but there were also always very expensive cars driving around the streets of Shanghai. It was a side of China that I never even heard about back home, and it was great to be able to see how prosperous China has become.



Chinese people love their country. In the United States, It is generally believed that the Chinese people do not like their country. However, while I was in China I saw nothing but pride and love for their country. Through many conversations with Chinese people, it was clear to me that they loved being from China.


2、Steven Martin

0h, many things surprised me in China, but just to list a few of many:


The scale. I went to Beijing. I'm from Houston. Houston is a big city, by American standards. Houston looked like a small town in comparison.



China, like the rest of the world uses the metric system. In Texas, we measure distance in miles, and we measure weight in pounds, so there must be a conversion. I think the USA should join the world standard and use the metric system. Shoe size, height .. all that.


In the house, you take off your shoes and wear slippers. No, you can't just wear sox. It's a rule. It's expected. Just do it.


I didn't notice many police. I'm sure there were police around, but it's not like Houston where you see the black and white police cars speeding by sirens roaring and flashing lights.


The market didn't offer a lot of frozen foods or canned food. More emphasis on fresh unprocessed vegetables. Much more variety of fruit and vegetables.



Don’t expect a soft mattress with a big puffy pillow. They like firm beds with buckwheat pillows. To me, very comfortable!!


I used to like very soft mattresses until one night I woke up in agony - my back ached like no tomorrow. I had to crawl down and slept on the floor instead.I didn’t realise it was the mattress at first, but the backache continued so I decided to change the mattress to a hard, firm one. After my back healed I haven't had a backache again since.


3、Joseph Fabian

I had to add another comment. English is considered the language of business in China and Taiwan. If you look at the statistics, there are more fluent English speaking (second language ) in China than native english speaking Americans.


4、Heli Patel

I have been living in China for 5 years,Here's some context。


The kindness:People in China are truly some of the friendliest and most extraordinarily kind-hearted people you will meet. And I do not mean this the way everyone says so about every country.no matter how little Chinese you speak, your attempts at even a "你好 (Hello) is met with an exclamatory "哎呀你的中文这么好啊" (Oh my! Your Chinese is so good).



This is in stark contrast to the west where the most valiant attempts at French or English are often scoffed at. Chinese people will go out of their way to help you, translate for you, even gesture wildly at you and give you advice. A lot of the time, its because they genuinely appreciate your coming to their country.


The evening dances in the moonlight:This was truly one of the most mesmerizing things to me, as a visitor. Women and men line up in parks, on street corners, in public spaces, at universities in the evenings, wherever they can find space, and dance in unison. Old women, young men, couples, you name it. Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, every Chinese city I've been to, its the same.



Chinese people are big on community activities, and very big on exercising and staying healthy. This is the cheapest, and most social way to do both. Its particularly common with elderly Chinese ladies, because I suppose the young people are all in the gyms. Most of the time, its a slow, choreographed dance that everyone can follow and they've been doing the same routines a while so everyone is familiar with the steps.


5、Manu Bansall

Disclaimer: All the comparisons are done with Indian life as benchmark


There are no cops on major roads of the cities in China , yet traffic stops at red light. This may sound absurd, but this is not the norm in India.


Fitness level of people. I don’t remember finding any obese person in China. I visited three cities: Beijing, Shanghai & Harbin. None were obese .



Discipline. I found Chinese quite disciplined in their schedule & daily lives. What to eat, when to eat , its all quite structured. They are an extremely hardworking & disciplined people. No wonder China has grown so much


Eye for detail: These guys plan way ahead. and execution is too good. They also focus quite a lot on maintenance of things. I was surprised to find a man scrubbing a dustbin early morning on my morning run at Harbin. That’s something i would not imagine here.


China is a very interesting country & is definitely worth a visit. You could learn quite a few things.


6、Jonathan Reynolds

I have lived in Beijing for six years. When I first arrived, in 2012, I knew virtually nothing about China. one thing I did know was that Chinese people, as well certainly as its government, were quite proudly patriotic if not nationalistic, and their and its signal distinguishing between China and the West very emphatic, what first surprised me was the prence of English on the street signs, in the subways, and really everywhere - always positioned just below the Hanji characters.



When I asked my students (I teach at a technical university), their facial expressions told me I was asking about something that should have been obvious. When they got over their surprise, they responded that English is spoken more or less everywhere in the world and in order to get a good job they needed to be English-fluent.


Particularly in China, the still enormous preoccupation of the burgeoning middle class (and the wealthy) to become English-fluent continues to seem to me to be symptomatic of the great practicality the Chinese operate with: at all times or instinctually, to "get ahead," "become successful and prosperous" (the same thing to most Chinese), one absolutely needed to speak and write English well. Beyond the practical, most Chinese I have met express a liking for America and what they believe they understand about American culture.


I have to say that I have found almost all of the Chinese I have met and interact with to be courteous, friendly and welcoming, and, by now, I have friends in Beijing whom I am very fond of, respect, and admire.


Finally - for the moment - I must include another surprise: acupuncture - that, with the right practitioner, it absolutely works and has successfully treated some chronic pain issues I have. My acupuncturist - sadly now retired - was a tiny, fiercely jovial, 70-something woman named "Dr, Jia" who, twice-weekly, in a little clinic inside the Baiyunguan ("White Cloud") Daoist temple, in central Beijing, would stick thirty or more needles in me, from the top of my head, in my lip, down my back and leg, to my toes, at the same time attaching three or four glass suction cups to my back and upper arm.


After about a half-hour she would come back and remove the needles and cups, and I would walk out of the temple grounds into the crowded noisy streets calm and serene, intoxicated with a feeling of extreme well-being, high as if on some wonderful drug - as well as pain-free for a couple of days.


7、Bella Johnson

You can buy things everywhere. In the United States, we often have to get into our cars and drive for meals, groceries, bottled water, etc. In China, because the cities are so densely populated, there are shops selling everything from duck neck to firecrackers on every corner. If you’re looking for something you need, or even something you don’t need, you can find it quite easily in China.


8、Damien Defranco

Everything surprised me about China, but I’ll list a few specifics.


I first went to China back in 2010, and I have been in and out of the country more times than I can count. Everything about China is the opposite of what I original thought it was going to be prior to the first time I went.


Since 2010, I have visited just about every part of China. I’ve been to all cities in Tier 1–4, I’ve been to Tier 5 cities, I’ve been to many many villages too.



Other Foreigners. I’ve been to all the tourist cities, in fact I own apartments in some of them, even when I don’t always stay there. So I’ve come across many other foreigners over the years who visit China, or live there. Some are really nice, but I find a lot of other foreigners visiting China to be extremely rude, and disrespectful to the Chinese culture. Even though everyone is nice to them, they say hurtful things in English and complain about China constantly.


Culture. The overall culture practices of China surprised me. With over 5000 years of history and traditions. I’ve learned everything about the do’s and don’ts in China. From not sticking chopsticks straight up in rice, to lucky number 8. From using an umbrella to block the sun and create shade outside to not giving a clock as a gift. China culture is so detailed, so fascinating, more than I thought it would be.


People. Majority of all my experience in China are very positive, everyone in China is very friendly. Everywhere you go you are treated very politely. Canadians are also treated much much better than Americans. China is a very welcoming country to all tourists from abroad.



Food. Food on it’s own could be it’s own thing, every region in China has a different style of Chinese cuisine that is different then other regions. Food in China is just amazing. What surprised me about food was just how good and tasty it is. I was not expecting to fall in love with Chinese cuisine. Eating is one of my favorite things to do in China. I have collected over 12,000 photos of my own of dishes I have ate in China since 2010. Everything from green beans and minced pork, to hot pot, to pig brain, and every type of street food you can imagine.


Beauty. The sheer beauty of China was a surprise. China in my opinion, and the opinion of most world travelers is that China is the most beautiful country in the whole world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but when the majority of qualified people say that China is the most beautiful country in the world, then it probably is.


9、Miriam Frank

What surprised me most when I first arrived to China was how everyone stared at me. My impression was that they had never seen foreigners before and they had a stern look on their face…as if they hated me! After living in the city sometime I came to know that they did not hate me, but were curious and interested in the way foreigners looked. Now Beijing and Shanghai being more international cities there are less people staring.



10、Sugandha Panwar

There are many things in China that amaze me – Chinese architecture, skylines, traffic management, endless Chinese menu, ease of using technology, etc. But to be specific with the question the #FIRST thing that astonishes me was the height of Chinese people. Being a foreigner, I was having a perception that Chinese are petite in stature. Though, they are not.


11、Nada Rahman

After resigning from my former position at a local bank, I travelled to Shanghai and stayed there for a month to experience a different cultural experience. I have never been to China before. I chose China because I wanted to be in a non-English speaking country.


The first thing that surprised me was.. literally everything is cashless. Yeah I am well aware about Wechat pay and Alipay but I didn’t expect that exchanging cash for service/goods has become a rare sight. Even the dodgiest street food stalls don’t accept cash. I once made payment using cash before I activated my Wechat Pay, the laoban (store keeper) had to go find his cash drawer key. Clearly nobody has made cash payment for quite some time


You have an app for everything. Literally. Food, clothes, paying rent, water, charity, uh everything can be done through apps.


While living in India I have not thought In this way that providing public toilet facility is government responsibility. After coming to China now I have realized how backward our society is, living in slums eating junk foods inhaling polluted air it is quite normal India.


I feel pity on those indians who here on Quora try to compare India with China. I would say to all of them that even poor people of china have better living standard than the middle class of India.



虽然,对于印度网友“Nada Rahman”有关“即使是中国的穷人,生活水平也比印度的中产阶级还要高”的感慨老铁也无处求证。



