Why didn't Vietnam build high speed railways?
Ralph Nhatrang
Mostly it was a matter of finance. When the Party proposed a Bill to the National Assembly some years ago to build a $100 billion high speed train service between Hanoi and Saigon:
No internal finance was available;
No foreign finance was available, including from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank;
The director of Vietnam Railways pointed out in a published letter that, were the line be built, it would still be cheaper and quicker to fly.
The National Assembly, in a rare display of independence, voted down the Party’s proposal. But the Party continues to think it’s a good idea.
A high speed railway is now being built between Saigon and Can Tho and other proposals are for Hanoi-Haiphong, Hanoi-Sapa and Saigon-Nha Trang lixs. What is also badly needed is a fast (not high speed) goods transport train service between the major cities of Vietnam.
Lucia Millar
Dear Ralph Nhatrang
The Party did not propose but the government did propose this project. Of course, you could say the party members from the government proposed it.
亲爱的Ralph Nhatrang,
In the political structure of Vietnam, the party often does not intervene directly in the administrative activities of the government, as well as the making laws activities of the Vietnamese assembly. All projects and other economic activities have been administrated by the Vietnamese government and also proposed by the Vietnamese governments, not from the Party. The assembly will make laws that the government must follow as well as re-check the government activities. The party seems to be advisors behind both the Vietnamese state bodies including government and assembly. If the party really wishes to do any project, I doubt the assembly could prevent it because most of the members of the Vietnamese assembly are Party members.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Quôc Trân Pham
It is above all a matter of money: Consider the urban railroad line under construction now in Saigon has reached an astronomical cost per km (and is now put on standby). A Quoran has posted an answer detailing the high flying costs of that very first railway. Now transpose the costs to a long distance high speed railway which would require even more robust and safe infrastructures.
Anyway, it is a sound decision because operating high speed trains requires another level of risk management that Vietnamese people are not prepared to: Do you know that on currently, despite the snail pace of Vietnamese trains (under 60km/h) on average, there is one accident a week involving a train and another transportation mean.
Julia Vasileva
What are you talking about XD For many years they can’t even finish building their first metro in Vietnam. Speed railways… (http://railways….no) no comments
兄弟,你在说什么? 多年来他们连越南的第一条地铁都建不完。至于高速铁路,不予置评(http://railways….no)。
Vietnam right now has the right solution. They are building huge airports. Yes it cheaper and way steadier than any train. I would fly any time.
Dan Le
Why is Vietnam still poor?
It’s a complex issue with no simple answer that captures the multitude of reasons of why Vietnam is ‘poor’. By some international measures of income per capita, as some have stated here, Vietnam has been ‘lifted’ out of poverty and is now enjoying a ‘middle-developed’ status. By other measures, including how the vast majority of Vietnamese live day to day, it still qualifies as ‘poor’.Having lived and worked in Vietnam for many years and still a frequent traveler there, I’ll give my perspective on why I consider Vietnam as ‘too poor’ relative to its resources and abilities. In other words, why Vietnam has not achieved its potential.