










  Access to Justice,诉诸司法

  Act for the Disappeared,为失踪者行动

  Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture,民主文化倡导中心

  Advocacy Training and Resource Center–ATRC,宣传培训和资源中心

  Advocates for Community Alternatives,社区替代方案倡导者

  Alf Ba Civilian Coexistence Foundation,阿尔夫巴平民共存基金会

  Alind Organization for Youth Democratizing,阿林德青年民主化组织

  Alliance Development Trust,联盟发展信托基金

  Alliance for Finance Monitoring,金融监管联盟

  Alliance of Unity,团结联盟

  Amazigh Network for Citizenship,阿马齐格公民网络

  Ameha Mekonnen and Associates Law Office,Ameha Mekonnen律师事务所

  Anvarie Tech(The Election Network),安维利科技(选举网络)

  Applied Social Science Forum,应用社会科学论坛


  Association for Behavior and Knowledge Transformation(ABKT),行为和知识转化协会 Association for International Affairs,国际事务协会

  Association for Social Research and Communication,社会研究与传播协会

  Association for the Promotion of Information,信息促进协会

  Association for Transitional Justice, Accountability and Remembrance,过渡时期司法、问责和纪念协会

  Association of Independent Creators and Activists(GETO),独立创作者和活动家协会 Association of Local Independent Media Local Press,地方独立媒体协会地方媒体

  Association of Private Employers,私营雇主协会

  Association of Regional Media,地区媒体协会

  Asylum Access,庇护准入

  Aware Girls,有意识的女孩


  Bank Information Center,银行信息中心

  Basement Foundation for a Knowledge-Based Culture of Exchange,以知识为基础的交流文化的基础

  Bloc of Active Youth,活跃青年集团

  Brave Youth Organization,勇敢青年组织

  Bridge of Peace,和平之桥

  Buni Media Limited,布尼传媒有限公司

  Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law,人权和法治局

  Business Info Group,商业信息组

  Business News Service SRL,商业新闻服务有限公司

  C Four Consultancies Sdn Bhd,C4咨询有限公司

  Campaign for Good Governance,善治运动

  Casimir Pulaski Foundation,卡西米尔普拉斯基基金会

  CASLA O.P.S,卡拉行动

  Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace,天主教正义与和平委员会

  Center for Civil Liberties,公民自由中心

  Center for Communities Development,社区发展中心

  Center For Constitutional Governance,宪政中心

  Center for Democratic Transition,民主转型中心

  Center for Development and Democracy (CDD),发展与民主中心

  Center For Election Studies,选举研究中心

  Center for Humanities Studies and Research,人文研究中心

  Center for Intercultural Dialogue,跨文化对话中心

  Center for Investigative Reporting,调查报道中心

  Center for Justice and International Law,司法和国际法中心

  Center for Media and Policy Analysis,媒体与政策分析中心

  Center for Monitoring and Research,监测与研究中心

  Center for Peace and Civil Society(CPCS),和平与公民社会中心(CPCS)

  Center for Peace and Secular Studies,和平与世俗研究中心

  Center for Policy and Governance,政策与治理中心

  Center for Political Studies and Analysis Eidos,艾多斯政治研究与分析中心

  Center for Public Information Issues,公共信息问题中心

  Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability,研究、透明度和问责中心

  Center for Social Sciences,社会科学中心

  Center for Society Research,社会研究中心

  Center for Studies of Religion, Politics and Society,宗教、政治与社会研究中心

  Center for Success and Development,成功与发展中心

  Center For Success And Development(csd),成功与发展中心

  Center for Support of Civic and Cultural Initiatives Tamarisk,公民和文化倡议支持中心

  Center for Sustainable Human Development, Inc.,可持续人类发展中心有限公司

  Center of Community Development,社区发展中心

  Center of Independent Journalists,独立记者中心

  Center of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights,国际人道主义法和人权中心

  Center of Public Monitoring and Research,公共监测与研究中心

  Centre for Accountability and the Rule of Law,问责与法治中心

  Centre For Cultural Management,文化管理中心

  Centre for Democracy and Development(CEDED),民主与发展中心 (CEDED)

  Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development,环境、人权与发展中心

  Centre For Environmental Justice,环境正义中心

  Centre For Governance And Public Accountability (cgpa),治理和公共责任中心 (cgpa)

  Centre for Human Rights and Development,人权与发展中心

  Centre for Human Rights Education (CHRE),人权教育中心

  Centre for Innovation and Technology,创新科技中心

  Centre for Justice and Change,正义与变革中心

  Centre for Media Research and Analysis,媒体研究与分析中心

  Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives,和平与发展倡议中心

  Centre for Policy Alternatives, (Guarantee) Ltd.,政策选择中心(担保)有限公司

  Centre for Policy Analysis,政策分析中心

  Centre for Research and Development,研究与发展中心

  Centre for Social Justice,社会正义中心

  Centre for Women in Governance,妇女参与治理中心

  Centre for Women Studies and Intervention,妇女研究与干预中心

  Centre To Combat Corruption And Cronyism (C4),反腐败和任人唯亲中心(C4)



  Chababona Development Association,查巴博纳发展协会

  Charitable Fund of Social Reforms and Support Hope,社会改革与支持希望慈善基金

  Charitable Fund The Right to Protection,慈善基金的保护权

  Charity and Health Fund,慈善及健康基金

  Christian Solidarity International,基督教团结国际

  Cinema for Peace and Democracy,和平与民主电影

  Citizens Against Violence Organization,公民反暴力组织

  Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights,公民综合发展和社会权利中心

  Citizens Standing,公民站立

  Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants,公民平反联合会


  Ciudadano Inteligente,情报城

  Civic Platform The New Country,公民平台新国家

  Civic Space,公民空间

  Civic Space Institute, INC,公民空间研究所

  CIVIL–Center for Freedom,CIVIL-自由中心

  Civil Center for Studies and Legal Reform,民事研究和法律改革中心

  Civil Control Platform,民用控制平台

  Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR),资产追回民间论坛

  Civil Rights Defenders,民权捍卫者

  Civilian Organization for Community Media,社区媒体民间组织

  Civitas Institute,西维塔斯学院

  CLEEN Foundation,克莱恩基金会

  College of Youth Activism and Development,青年行动与发展学院

  Committee on Monitoring Penal Reform and Human Rights,刑罚改革和人权监督委员会

  Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression,保护言论自由委员会

  Common Space for Enlightened Educators,开明教育者的共同空间

  Community Center New Generation,新一代社区中心

  Community Empowerment for Rehabilitation and Development,社区赋权以促进康复和发展

  Community Media Network(AmmanNet),社区媒体网络(AmmanNet)

  Community NGO,社区非政府组织

  Community Policing Partners For Justice, Security And Democratic Reforms–Comppart,


  Community Tolerance Reconciliation and Development,社区宽容和解与发展

  Community Youth Development Trust,社区青少年发展信托基金

  Conciliation Resources,调解资源

  Constitution and Reform Education Consortium,宪法与改革教育联盟

  Crime and Corruption Reporting Network KRIK,犯罪和腐败举报网络KRIK

  Crudo Transparente透明粗加工

  Crystal Association for Womens Development,水晶妇女发展协会

  DABIN Organization for Democratic Development and Human Rights,DABIN 民主发展与人权组织



  Dareskizb LLC,达雷斯基兹有限责任公司

  Data Journalism Agency,数据新闻机构

  Debebe Hailegebriel Law Office,黛贝贝·海勒格布里尔律师事务所


  DEMAS–Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights,DEMAS–民主援助和人权协会

  Democracy and Human Rights Development Center,民主与人权发展中心

  Democracy for Development,民主促进发展

  Democracy Monitoring Center,民主监察中心

  Democratic Initiatives Foundation,民主倡议基金会

  Democratic Transition and Human Rights Support Center,民主转型和人权支持中心

  Democratic Youth Foundation,民主青年基金会

  Denis & Lenora Foretia Foundation,丹尼斯和莱诺拉·福雷蒂亚基金会

  Detector Media,媒体探测器

  Development, Awareness & Management of Natural Resources(DAMAN),自然资源的开发、意识和管理

  Diallas Youth Organization for Relief and Development,迪亚拉斯青年救济与发展组织

  Diaspo Investigation,迪亚波调查

  Digital Bridge Association,数字桥梁协会



  Documenta–Center for Dealing with the Past,卡塞尔文献展——处理过去的中心


  Due Process Law Foundation,正当程序法基金会

  Dut Jok Youth Foundation,杜佐克青年基金会

  EC Ma Ndryshe,EC曼德里什

  Ecological Right, NGO生态权

  Ecological Society Green Salvation,生态社会绿色拯救


  Editorial Hypermedia Inc.,社论超媒体公司

  Education Builds BiH,教育建设波黑

  Education for Democracy Foundation,民主教育基金会

  Educationally-Analytical Center of Community Development,社区发展教育分析中心

  EG Justice,EG正义


  Ejo Youth Echo Ejo,青春回声

  Emthonjeni Womens Forum,Emthonjeni妇女论坛

  Environmental Rights Action / Friends Of The Earth,环境权利行动/地球之友

  Equality Social and Cultural Organization,平等社会文化组织

  EVN News Foundation,EVN新闻基金会

  Expert Forum,专家论坛


  Eyes University Organization,眼睛大学组织

  Faanoos Magazine,法努斯杂志

  Facilitation for Peace and Development(FAPAD),促进和平与发展

  Factum Media,事实媒体

  Factum NGO,非政府组织事实

  Families of the Disappeared,失踪者家属


  Finance Uncovered,金融揭秘

  Firinne Trust,菲林信托基金

  For Her Organization for the Advocacy of Womens Issues,表彰她的妇女问题倡导组织

  Forum 2000 Foundation,2000年论坛基金会

  Forum for Civic Initiatives,公民倡议论坛

  Forum for National Dialogue,全国对话论坛

  Forum For Rural Development Agenda(FORDA),农村发展议程论坛

  Forum for Social Studies,社会研究论坛

  Forum for Students of the Marib Cultural Development College,马里布文化发展学院学生论坛

  Foundation Center for Contemporary Art,当代艺术基金会中心

  Foundation for Creative Development,创意发展基金会

  Foundation for Democracy and Accountable Governance,民主和问责治理基金会

  Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy,人权与民主基金会

  Foundation for Human Rights Initiative,人权倡议基金会

  Foundation for the Building of Public Capacity,公共能力建设基金会

  Foundation Reporters,基金会记者

  Free Press Foundation,自由新闻基金会

  Free Sight Association,自由视力协会

  Free Society Project, Incorporated,自由社会项目公司

  Friends for Justice,正义之友


  Gender Alliance Development Center,性别联盟发展中心

  Gender Centre for Empowering Development(GenCED),性别赋权发展中心

  Generation Citizen, Inc.,一代公民公司

  Generation Peace Youth Network (GenPeace) Inc.,和平一代青年网络(GenPeace)公司

  Global Americans, Inc.,全球美国人公司

  Global Media Alliance Broadcast Company,全球媒体联盟广播公司


  GO Group Media,GO集团媒体


  Governance Center for Public Policies,公共政策治理中心

  Grassroots Relief & Development Agency(GREDA),基层救济与发展机构

  Grew Foundation for Media Training,成长媒体培训基础

  Group for Conceptual Politics,概念政治小组

  Group for Legal and Political Studies,法律和政治研究小组

  Groupe Action Recherche pour le Developpement Local,地方发展行动研究小组

  Groupe Lotus,莲花集团

  Gurtong Trust Peace & Media Project,古尔通信托和平与媒体项目

  H2O Organization,H2O组织

  Halwest Organization,哈尔韦斯特组织

  Heartefact Fund,心爱基金

  HelpAge USA,美国助老会

  Heritage Institute for Policy Studies,遗产政策研究所

  High Atlas Foundation,高阿特拉斯基金会

  Himilo Organization for Development(HoD),希米洛发展组织(HoD)

  Home for Human Rights,人权之家


  Human Rights Justice and Peace Foundation,人权正义与和平基金会

  Human Rights Law Service,人权法律服务处

  Human Rights Network Foundation,人权网络基金会

  Human Rights Television,人权电视台

  Human Rights Watch Women and Children, Inc.,人权观察妇女儿童公司

  Humanitarian Law Center,人道主义法律中心

  Humetna Association,胡梅特纳协会

  Hunna Association for Human Rights,胡纳人权协会

  Idea Mena,梅纳创意

  IDEAS Policy Research Berhad,IDEAS政策研究有限公司

  Impact Foundation for Research and Development,研究与发展影响力基金会

  Improve Your Society Organization for Development and Peace,改善社会组织以促进发展与和平

  INC Network of Radio Stations,INC广播电台网络

  Inclusive Friends Association,包容性朋友协会

  Independent Advocacy Project,独立倡导项目

  Independent Association of Broadcasters,独立广播协会

  Independent Center for Human Rights Protection,独立人权保护中心

  Independent Information Agency Politon,独立信息机构Politon

  Independent Journalism Center (IJC),独立新闻中心

  Independent Journalists House,独立记者之家

  Independent Journalists Network,独立记者网络

  Independent Radio Network,独立无线电网络

  Index on Censorship,审查制度索引

  Individual Land Trust,个人土地信托


  Information for Development Trust,发展信托信息

  Initiative Civic Patrol,主动公民巡逻

  Initiative Developpement,主动发展

  Initiative for Leadership Development and Youth Empowerment,领导力发展和青年赋权倡议

  Innovation and Civil Development Center–Progress House,创新与公民发展中心-进步之家

  Innovation Laboratory,创新实验室

  Insan Foundation Trust,仁山基金会信托

  Institut Panos,帕诺斯研究所

  Institute for Development Policy,发展政策研究所

  Institute for Development Studies and Practices,发展研究与实践研究所

  Institute for Nonprofit News,非营利新闻研究所

  Institute for Public Policy,公共政策研究所

  Institute for Research and Democratic Development,研究与民主发展研究所

  Institute for Young Women Development,青年妇女发展研究所

  Institute of Political Education,政治教育学院

  Institute Of Public Affairs,公共事务研究所


  Interactive Resource Centre,互动资源中心

  International Bridges to Justice,国际正义桥梁

  International Center for Supporting Rights and Freedoms,国际支持权利和自由中心

  International Centre for Investigative Reporting,国际调查报道中心

  International Coalition of Sites of Conscience,国际良心站点联盟

  International Debate Education Association in Central Asia,中亚国际辩论教育协会

  International Debate Education Association MENA(IDEA MENA),中东和北非国际辩论教育协会

  International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech Adil Soz,国际保护言论自由基金会

  International Institute on Race, Equality and Human Rights,国际种族、平等和人权研究所

  International Labor Rights Forum,国际劳工权利论坛

  International Legal Initiative Public Foundation,国际法律倡议公共基金会

  International Senior Lawyers Corporation,国际资深律师协会

  International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy,国际公平选举与民主协会

  Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi Limited,伊努卡肯尼亚尼思思有限公司


  Investigative Journalists,调查记者

  Investigative Journalists Team iFact,iFact调查记者团队

  iVote Foundation,iVote基金会

  Jaago Foundation UK,英国贾戈基金会

  Jakenn Publishing PLC,杰肯出版公司

  Jarandyk Demilge Network–Karakol Branch,贾兰迪克·德米尔格网络-卡拉科尔分公司

  Jinnah Institute,真纳学院

  Jinnah Institute Trust,真纳研究所信托基金

  Journalistic Data Processing Centre,新闻数据处理中心

  Justice and Civil Society Support Organization,司法和民间社会支持组织

  Kanal 77,运河77

  Kay Youth Media Limited,凯青年传媒有限公司

  Kebetkace Women Development & Resource Center,Kebetkace 妇女发展与资源中心

  Khadija Kubra Women Association for Culture,卡迪嘉·库布拉妇女文化协会

  Khuwendo Kor,库文多·科尔

  KiniTV Sdn Bhd,KiniTV有限公司

  Kirwa Foundation,基尔瓦基金会

  Kismayo University,基斯马尤大学

  Kloop Media Foundation,克洛普媒体基金会

  Kloop Media, z.s.,克洛普媒体-zs

  Kultura Medialna NGO,媒体文化非政府组织

  Kuta Youth Foundation for Development,库塔青年发展基金会

  Kyungnam University,庆南大学

  Lakou Lape,拉库·拉佩

  Law and Society Trust,法律与社会信托

  Lawyers for Human Rights,人权律师

  Lawyers for Liberty,自由律师

  Leadtots and Human Development Services,Leadtots 和人类发展服务

  Legal Clinic Adilet,阿迪莱特法律诊所

  Legal Hundred,法律百强

  LFL Sdn Bhd,LFL有限公司

  Liberal Banter Sdn Bhd,自由玩笑有限公司

  Liberali LLC,利贝拉利有限责任公司

  LINX Association of Investigative Journalists,LINX调查记者协会

  Lion Society,狮子会

  Live to Give,活着就是为了给予

  Ma3mal 612–Think Factory,Ma3mal 612–思考工厂

  Madarik Foundation,马达里克基金会

  MAFO for Supporting Democracy and Human Rights,MAFO支持民主和人权


  Manabadhikar Shongskriti Foundation,马纳巴迪卡·松斯克里蒂基金会


  Marefat Civil Capacity Building Organization,马雷法特民事能力建设组织


  Martin Chautari,马丁·乔塔里

  Masarat for Cultural and Media Development,马萨拉特文化和媒体发展

  Media Awareness and Justice Initiative,媒体意识和正义倡议

  Media Centre,媒体中心

  Media Centre Trust,媒体中心信托

  Media Development Foundation,媒体发展基金会

  Media Foundation for Peace and Development,和平与发展媒体基金会

  Media Initiatives Center,媒体倡议中心

  Media Legal Defence Initiative(MLDI),媒体法律辩护倡议(MLDI)

  Media View,媒体视图


  Meltex Ltd. ,梅尔泰克斯有限公司



  MEMO 98,备忘录98

  Merdeka Center for Opinion Research,独立民意研究中心

  Merdeka Strategic Development Centre SDN. BHD.,独立战略发展中心


  Metamorphosis Foundation,Metamorphosis基金会

  Misere, Sors!

  Moomken Organization for Awareness and Media,姆肯意识和媒体组织

  MOST Citizens Association,MOST公民协会

  Mountain Youth Resource and Social Welfare Organization,山区青少年资源与社会福利组织

  Mudug Peace and Human Development Organization,穆杜格和平与人类发展组织

  Mudug Peace And Human Rights Organization,穆杜格和平与人权组织


  Mzalendo Trust,姆萨伦多信托基金

  NAHNOO Association,纳努协会

  National Center for Human Rights,国家人权中心

  National Coalition for Decentralization,全国权力下放联盟

  National Confederation of Mauritanian Workers,毛里塔尼亚全国工人联合会

  National Counselling Centre,国家咨询中心

  National Election Watch–NEW,全国选举观察–新

  National Environmental Center,国家环境中心

  National Forum for Human Rights,国家人权论坛

  National Foundation For Human Rights,国家人权基金会

  National Observatory For Municipal Work And Urban Planning,国家市政工作和城市规划观测站

  National University Corporation Hitotsubashi University,国立大学法人 一桥大学

  Nawai Sulah Social And Educational Organization,纳瓦伊苏拉社会和教育组织

  Nawat Network,纳瓦特网络

  NAYMOTE-Partners for Democratic Development,内莫特-民主发展伙伴

  NEEM Foundation,NEEM基金会

  Network for Associative Development for Azilaltada,Azilaltada 联合发展网络

  Network Mushahide Media,武沙秀媒体网络

  Network of Information Centers(LTD),信息中心网络

  New Country,新国家

  New Initiative for Social Development,社会发展新举措

  New Perspektiva,新视角

  New Social Initiative–NSI,新的社会倡议——NSI

  NewsMaker SRL,新闻制造者有限公司

  NGO 86,非政府组织86

  NGO C.I.S.T.E. Certitudine,非政府组织CITE Certitudine

  Nokta Fasle,诺克塔·法斯勒

  Non business (non commercial) legal entity Center of Independent Journalists,


  Non-Aligned Films,Non-Aligned电影制作

  Non-Governmental Gender Organisations Coordinating Council,非政府性别组织协调委员会

  Nossas Cidades,诺萨斯城

  Oasis Verte for Development and Democracy,绿色绿洲促进发展和民主

  Observatory for Municipal Work and Urban Planning,市政工作和城市规划观察站

  Office of Civil Freedoms,公民自由办公室

  Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs,奥赫里德经济战略和国际事务研究所

  OMCT–Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture ,世界反酷刑组织(OMCT)

  Open Space Centre,开放空间中心

  OpenDemocracy Limited,开放民主有限公司

  Oral History Initiative,口述历史倡议

  Organisation For Peace and Development,和平与发展组织

  Organization for Community Civic Engagement,社区公民参与组织

  Organization for Non-Violence and Development,非暴力与发展组织

  Organization for Policy Research and Development Studies(DROPS),政策研究与发展研究组织

  Organization for Social, Cultural Awareness and Rehabilitation,社会、文化意识和康复组织

  Ostra Nula,奥斯特拉努拉


  PACT Communications

  Partner Group Precedent,合作伙伴集团先例

  Partners for Democratic Change,民主变革的伙伴

  PAWA Initiative,帕瓦倡议

  Pay Institute For Education & Development,支付教育与发展学院

  Peace and Development Center,和平与发展中心

  Peace and Education Foundation,和平与教育基金会

  Peace Tree Network,和平树网络


  Pen American Center,美国笔会中心


  People and Kilometers,人与公里

  Peoples Radio,人民广播电台

  Perkumpulan INFID,INFID警察局

  Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies,凤凰经济与信息学研究中心



  Political Capital Kft. Ltd.政治资本Kft有限公司

  Pontis Foundation,庞蒂斯基金会

  Post-Conflict Research Center,冲突后研究中心

  Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy(PODA),波托哈尔发展倡导组织

  Poverty Eradication Network,扶贫网络

  Power of Truth,真理的力量

  Pro Digital SRL,专业数码有限公司


  Progress of Gyumri Civil Society Development Center,久姆里民间社会发展中心的进展

  Progressive Public Organization of Women Mutakallim,妇女进步组织Mutakallim

  Project Expedite Justice,加速司法项目

  Projek Dialog,项目对话


  Prometheus Institute for Democracy and Human Rights,普罗米修斯民主与人权研究所

  PROMO-LEX Association,PROMO-LEX协会

  Protection of Rights Without Borders,保护权利无国界

  Public Agenda,公共议程

  Public Association Association of Reporters: Oameni si Kilometri,公共协会记者协会:人与公里

  Public Association Center for Political and Legal Studies,公会政法研究中心

  Public Association Committee on Monitoring Penal Reform and Human Rights,监督刑罚改革和人权的公共协会委员会

  Public Association Institute of Public Analysis,公共协会公共分析研究所

  Public Association Jarandyk Demilge Network–Karakol Branch,贾兰迪克·德米尔格公共协会网络–卡拉科尔分会

  Public Association Lawyers for Human Rights,公共人权律师协会

  Public Foundation Legal Prosperity,公共基金会合法繁荣

  Public Foundation Nota Bene,诺塔·贝尼公共基金会

  Public Fund Clean House,公共基金洁净室

  Public Interest Law Center,公益法律中心

  Public Organization Chashmi Khirad,公共组织恰什米·基拉德

  Public Policy Institute,公共政策研究所

  Public Union Innovation Laboratory,公联创新实验室

  Public Union Institute for Youth Development,公共联盟青年发展研究所

  Public Union Peaceful Initiatives,公共联盟和平倡议

  Qendra Res Publica,昆德拉公共研究中心

  Radio Azad FM 97.8,阿扎德电台FM 97.8

  Radio Baidoa,拜多阿广播电台

  Radio Banadir Broadcasting,巴纳迪尔广播电台

  Radio Daljir,达吉尔广播电台

  Radio Deng,邓广播电台

  Radio Dialogue Trust,广播对话信托基金

  Radio KIM,金广播电台

  Radio Maendeleo,曼德莱奥电台

  Radio Tenwir,腾维尔电台

  Radio Voice of the People(VOP),人民之声电台(VOP)

  Ramz Development Foundation,拉姆兹发展基金会

  Reform Institute for Development,发展改革研究所

  Regional Studies Center (RSC) Foundation,区域研究中心(RSC)基金会


  Resource Foundation for Development and Human Rights,发展与人权资源基金会

  Revista digital Plan V,Revista数字计划V

  Right to Protection,保护权

  Rights Information Center,维权信息中心

  Rights Now–Collective for Democracy,现在的权利——民主集体

  Rivne Social Partnership Center,罗夫诺社会合作中心

  Rule of Law Human Rights NGO,法治人权非政府组织

  Rural Development Action Aid (RDAA),农村发展行动援助(RDAA)

  SADA for Opinion Polling,SADA民意调查

  Safad Advertising Company (Wattan TV),萨法德广告公司(Wattan TV)

  Sakam da kazam Association,萨卡姆达卡扎姆协会

  Samata Foundation,萨马塔基金会


  Search for Common Ground,寻找共同点

  Secretariat of the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum,


  Security Environment Research Center Prometheus,安全环境研究中心普罗米修斯

  SENSE–Transitional Justice Center,Sense–过渡时期司法中心

  Sergiu Prodan Workshop,塞尔吉·普罗丹工作室

  Services Organization for Unity and Development(SOUND),团结与发展服务组织(声音)

  Shashat Women Cinema,沙沙特女性电影院

  SIM Legal and Political Research Center,SIM法律与政治研究中心

  Simplicity Ltd.,简单有限公司


  SKYY Womens World Network,SKYY女性世界网络

  Social Center for Militating Illegal Earning,打击非法收入社会中心

  Social Scientists Association,社会科学家协会

  Society for Democratic Initiatives,民主倡议协会

  Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project,社会经济权利和责任项目

  Socioscope Societal Research and Consultancy Center,Sociscope社会研究与咨询中心

  Solidarity Youth Voluntary Organization,团结青年志愿者组织

  SOS Exclusion,SOS排除

  SOS Urgence,紧急求救



  STOP Organization for Monitoring and Development,STOP监测和发展组织

  Strategic Empowerment and Mediation Agency,战略赋权和调解机构

  Strengthening Communities Charitable Foundation,加强社区慈善基金会

  Studio Monitor,录音室监听

  Studio Triumf S.R.L.,凯旋工作室SRL

  Success Network 21,成功网络21

  Success Organization For Developing Potential,发展潜力的成功组织

  Sumy Regional Committee of Youth Organizations,苏梅地区青年组织委员会

  Sumy Regional Organization Bureau Of Political Analysis,苏梅地区组织政治分析局

  Supply-Demand Independent Newspaper,供需独立报

  Suriye Seda Egitim ve Kultur Dernegi (Sada for Opinion Polling),Suriye Seda Egitim ve Kultur Dernegi(民意调查Sada)


  Tamkien Center for Participation and Equality,塔姆金参与与平等中心

  Tasamy for Womens Empowerment,塔萨米促进女性赋权

  Tashabos Educational Organization,塔沙博斯教育组织

  Tawasoul Organization for Youth Empowerment,塔瓦苏尔青年赋权组织

  Tech for Change,科技促进变革

  Terra Mater大地

  The Budget Advocacy Network,预算倡导网络

  The Future Generation Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (The Future Project),未来一代创业发展计划(未来项目)

  The Green University Association,绿色大学协会

  The Initiative for Equal Rights,平等权利倡议

  The Institute of Public Affairs,公共事务研究所

  The Mediator for Democracy and Human Rights,民主与人权的调解人

  The Medical Action Group, Inc.,医疗行动集团有限公司

  The Munathara Initiative,穆纳塔拉倡议

  The National Institute for Public Opinion, Inc.,国家舆论研究所

  The National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections–Partners for Democratic Development,全国青年透明选举运动——民主发展的伙伴

  The Network for Solidarity, Empowerment and Transformation for All(NEWSETA),全民团结、赋权和变革网络 (NEWSETA)

  The Public Agenda Foundation, Inc.,公共议程基金会有限公司

  The Social Architects,社会建筑师

  The Tides Center,潮汐中心

  The Union Southern Gates(Samkhretis Karibche),联合南门 (萨姆赫雷蒂斯·卡里布切)

  The Voice,好声音

  Ther Development Center,发展中心

  Third Sector New England, Inc.,新英格兰第三部门公司

  This and That Productions,各式各样的作品

  Today is A New Day, Institute for Other Studies,今天是新的一天,其他研究所

  Tom 14,汤姆14

  Toro Development Network,Toro发展网络

  Transitions Online,在线过渡

  Trincomalee District Youth Development–AHAM,亭可马里区青年发展–AHAM

  Trust For The Americas,对美洲的信任

  Truth Hounds,真理猎犬

  TV and Radio Association Radio Nor,电视和广播协会无线电诺

  Umbrella Journalists International Network NGO,雨伞记者国际网络非政府组织

  Union of Associations of Fes-Medina,非斯-麦地那协会联合会

  Union of Informed Citizens Consulting Non-Governmental Organization,知情公民咨询非政府组织联盟

  Union of Journalists Voice of People,人民之声记者联盟

  Union Southern Gates,联合南门

  United Toghdeer Associations,联合当选协会

  United Trust Associations(UNITA),联合信托协会(UNITA)

  Urban Association,城市协会

  Uva Shakthi Foundation,乌瓦·沙克蒂基金会

  Veles NGO,韦莱斯非政府组织


  Verité Research (Private) Limited,Verite 研究(私人)有限公司

  Versus Studio

  VGO Investigative Agency,VGO调查机构


  Vision Association,视觉协会

  Vision Institute for Civil Society Studies,公民社会研究愿景研究所

  Vista Larga Foundation Corp,维斯塔拉加基金会公司

  Voice of Democracy Radio Xamar,民主之声广播电台 Xamar

  Voice Of Eve Association,前夕之声协会

  WHY ME? Association for Womens Rights,为什么是我?妇女权利协会

  Why Not? 为什么不呢?

  Will and Citizenship Organization(OVC),遗嘱和公民组织(OVC)

  Wogood For Human Security Foundation,沃古德人类安全基金会

  Women and Childrens Affairs Organization,妇女儿童事务组织

  Women and Peace Studies Organization,妇女与和平研究组织

  Women and Youths for Peace and Development Organization,妇女和青年促进和平与发展组织

  Women for Women,女性为女性

  Women in Black,黑衣妇女

  Women in Journalism Association,女性新闻协会

  Women in Need Foundation(WINEED),贫困妇女基金会(WINEED)

  Women In Struggle for Empowerment(WISE),为赋权而奋斗的女性

  Women LEAD,女性领导

  Women Rehabilitation And Development Association,妇女康复与发展协会

  Women Section Obilic/Women Committee for Protection and Human Rights,奥比利奇妇女组/保护和人权妇女委员会

  Womens Association for Development and Solidarity,妇女发展与团结协会

  Womens Committee for Protection and Human Rights,妇女保护和人权委员会

  Womens Initiatives Supporting Group,妇女倡议支持小组

  Womens Learning Partnership for Rights Development, and Peace,妇女权利发展与和平学习伙伴关系

  Womens Legal Assistance(WOLA),妇女法律援助

  Womens Network for Equality in Decision Making,妇女决策平等网络

  World Organization Against Torture,世界反酷刑组织

  Yen A Marre,颜阿玛雷

  You For Democracy,你支持民主

  Young Leaders Network,青年领袖网络

  Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) Bauchi,基督教青年会(YMCA)包奇

  Young Peoples Movement,青年运动

  Young Voices,年轻的声音

  Youngstars Development Initiative,青年之星发展计划

  Youth 21 for Societal Development,21世纪青年促进社会发展

  Youth and Childhood Association,青少年协会

  Youth and Skills Association (Maharat),青年与技能协会(Maharat)

  Youth Center CK13,青少年中心CK13

  Youth Center KVART,科瓦特青年中心

  Youth Communication Center,青少年交流中心

  Youth Educational Forum,青少年教育论坛

  Youth Forum,青年论坛

  Youth in Technology and Arts Network(YOTAN),青年科技与艺术网络 (YOTAN)

  Youth Movement Revolt,青年运动起义

  Youth Organization STAN,青年组织STAN

  Zajecar Initiative,扎耶卡尔倡议

  ZAM-net Foundation,ZAM-net基金会

  Zene za Zene,齐内扎齐内

  Ziarul de Garda,齐亚鲁尔·德·加尔达
