



  请允许我就当前 “打破一极 ”和多极化普遍面临的战略困境发表一些看法。我认为,国际体系如今已经到了一个重要的历史关头,必须就如何继续前进做出重要的决定。












  (翻译:毛琪    核译:李雨琪)


  Let me express some of my ideas on the strategic dilemmas that breaks I and multipolarity in generally faces these days. I think that right now, the institution has come to an important historic juncture at which it will have to make very important decisions on how to move forward.

  Let me limit myself to only three observations. First of all, we tend to emphasize multipolarity as a process that reflects the change in the balance of powers in the world, which ultimately makes the international system more inclusive and more democratic. This is the right. However, it does not necessarily mean that the international system is going to become more stable and more resilient to various destabilizing impulses, because multipolarity does not tell us anything about the nature of the relationship between the poles. These relations can be cooperative, but they can be confrontational. They can imply joint projects. They can also imply conflicts and even wars. That's why the concept of multipolarity has to be complemented by the concept of multilateralism. And here, BRICS countries do not have a lot of historic experience that they can use. 

  Historically, most of BRICS countries, a return to avoid making any multilateral commitments that would limit their sovereignty, and their independence of foreign policy decisions. This is natural that for many years, even for centuries, these countries were leaders in their respective regions. And therefore, they are not as used to multilateralism as, for example, countries of the European Union or countries of ASEAN. So multilateralism is not possible without bring it in limitations on the national sovereignty. And this is one of the dilemmas that the BRICS countries will have to face, are either to stay as a discussion club or to introduce more rigid procedures and decisions that would assume diffused reciprocity and certain delegation of powers to support national borders.

  The second problem that I would like to emphasize is the problem of asymmetry. We are talking about the multipolarity, but multipolarity manifests itself in very different ways in different areas of world politics. The global economy, for instance, if we take the strategic dimension, we still see some residual elements of the Soviet-American or US-Russian bipolarity, especially in the nuclear field. However, in the military domain and in the geopolitical domain, the world is clearly moving towards a multipolarity. This is not necessarily the case in the economic dimension of international relations, because in the economic domain, there are apparently two superpowers which are far superior to other players, are in many important dimensions. So economically, the road is the arguably moving the towards the US-China bipolarity.

  Finally, if you take certain areas like international finance, the world is still quite unipolar in terms that the US dollar and the US managed international financial institutions still dominate a lot of the financial dimensions as of the current system. That means that there will be no integrated, universal rules of the game will have her to play, not only one chess board, but rather on many chess boards. For bleaks, it would be very important to select the areas and specific chairs boards where they can provide more value added than others. Maybe we should talk about the non-conventional security issues. Maybe we should talk about the special changes in the international financial system. But I just wanted to say that the system will be very different. And finally, let me also say that one of the challenges for BRICS, is how to match inclusivity and exclusivity. If you try to put together an international club, the club should be special. You should have a certain special privileges for club members to attract their new members. However, if you close the club, it will evolve into a sect. So how to manage open doors and more rigid criteria on membership? For some time, I remember in Beijing and also in Moscow, they entertained the idea of BRICS+, the idea was that we do not really need to increase the number of members, but rather we should create opportunities to various countries to engage with BRICS through specific mechanisms at the level that these countries are ready to take. But now after the recent enlargement of BRICS, maybe the concept of BRICS+ is no longer as relevant as it was some time ago.

  We have to think about whether we can make the accession process more regulated, whether we can have a more transparent and more open criteria for BRICS membership, and how we plan to balance the deepening and the broadening of the institution. I think it’s a very serious challenge for every international grouping. And clearly, BRICS is not an exception. Let me conclude, I was saying that all these challenges and problems notwithstanding, the BRICS open has a lot of potential. And I do hope that this year, the year of the Russian presidency in the organization will be an important milestone for the institution. And it will help to enhance the international role for BRICS for years ahead.



