
希拉里拒公开高盛内部演讲 美媒虚构全文称其想当“为高盛而存在的总统”  https://www.guancha.cn/economy/2016_04_26_358310_s.shtml

I came from a petit-bourgeois family with a drapery business that exploited workers to give me good middle-class life, a first-class education, and my incorrigibly elitist beliefs. It put me>clamoring, whining, agitating babies demanding for major changes in our economy and the global economy, demanding for equity and justice. These demands are stupid beyond belief.


- Laughter 笑声 -


As you know, advances in financial technology and global trade have created new areas of commercial activity and opened new markets for our exports. Too often policy wonks want to resort to protectionist measures because they don’t realize that these treaties are designed to suck wealth out of the third world and suck it into your portfolios. These people suffer from a lack of big-picture thinking. They believe that they are still going to be building widgets in a factory if it were not for the 1 billion Chinese stealing their jobs. They don’t understand that we are sucking the lifeblood out of both of the Chinese and all workers—the vampire squidwith the blood funnel—creating value, wealth, growth!


- Cackles 窃笑 -

Today’s marketplace focusesmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> instantaneous financial trading, and short-term earnings reports, and that’s just how it should be. Those who are struggling need to rent out their living rooms, garages, bathrooms, dog houses, sell trinkets on eBay, sell themselves, their time and their bodies in the gig economy. All of this creates exciting, dynamic extra wealth, which should go to you, the geniuses of the universe, because you are themargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> outrightbribes. There’s no problem that a little more liberalization and deregulation can’t make better!


- Takes out check and cackles 拿出支票簿并窃笑 -

But all of these trends are temporary, and artificial, and unless we push really hard to make them happen, they won’t continue. The choices we make as a nation matter. The choices we make will set the stage for what American life will be like in this 21st century: will we have a nation of namby-pamby socialistic commies whining and demanding every little privilege while our nation crashes down around our ears, and we are reduced to becoming serfs for the Chinese? Or will we have a powerful country, bristling with guns and weapons, capable of putting everyone in their place? Capable of invading countriesmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> whim? Of unleashing chaos and violence gratuitously?  Of violating a leader’s body orifices with sharp objects with impunity?


- Cackles 窃笑 -

Of manipulating the world economy on a dime, without sweating any labor?


- Applause 掌声 -

As president, I will work with you to turn the tide of populism, to make these currents of change infeasible, impossible. We don’t hide from change; we subvert, hijack it, appropriate it.


- Applause 掌声 -

But it will take money. Lots of it. This is a good start.


- Waves check again, smiles, coyly 再次挥舞支票,腼腆地微笑-

The measure of our success must be how much incomes rise for you, the elite, the 0.0001%, not some just arbitrary growth targets tethered to people’s unwarranted and undeserved notions of “equity”, and “justice”.


- Applause 掌声 -

I want to see our economy work for the top, the leaders, the Gods, the Masters of the Universe like you. We’re not going to find all the answers we need in the playbooks of the past, we can’t go back to the policies of social equity that failed completely…


Today is not 1968. The sixties are so over. And it’s not 1917. The Bolshies are so over. It’s not 1789.   No more liberty, equality, fraternity. No more freedom fries. Non Merci! ça suffit! People need to accept the fact that finance capital is a reality, that the interests of the capital markets drives the world, that it can’t be turned back, and that it’s the final solution for all the challenges we face now, including the unending catastrophes that it’s creating, including the burning, fiery apocalyptic end of the planet.

今天不是1968年。六十年代彻底玩完了。今天也不是1917年。布尔什维克也彻底玩完了。今天也不是1789年。再没什么自由、平等、互助。再也不会有隔岸观火(译注:Freedom Fries来自一个政治事件。911后美国的反恐战争扩大至入侵伊拉克战争,法国反对美国这一做法此事导致美国人某种对法国的敌视,因此传统的炸薯条French fries被从国会餐厅的菜单上修改为Freedom fries)。再不会慈悲为怀!够了!人们要接受这样的事实:金融资本是事实,资本市场的利率驱动了世界,这无可挽回,这是我们目前面对的所有挑战的最终解决方案,包括其本身创造的灾难,也包括语言中熊熊燃烧的、炽烈的世界末日。

So today, I’m proposing an agenda to give you what you deserve, an agenda for unlimited financial deregulation, growth, wealth accumulation and concentration. It’s the least we can offer you given the undeserved contempt and abuse you’ve suffered over the past years.


More concentration means more jobs and more new businesses catering to you. More jobs give people more opportunities to service you, toady up to you, vampire squid and all.


- Waves check suggestively 提示性地挥舞支票 -

Full employment is completely unnecessary, so 19th Century the desperation of potential unemployment keeps people working hard to keep their jobs, so their productivity and toadying should be absolutely top notch! No more disrespect!


We know that Finance creates most of the wealth in this country, so that has to be THE top priority.


Let me tell you straight: I want to be the presidency of, by, for Goldman Sachs, and I mean it. I’ll make sure to line my cabinet with your people, like everyone else. Lloyd, name your position!


- Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

And throughout the upcoming campaign, I’m going to be sending lots of dog-whistle messages about how to empower you with less red tape, less regulation, less taxes, easier access to free, risk-free money, simplification, easy access to me, all the while talking populistclaptrap….


- Takes out dog whistle and blows to utter silence 拿出狗哨吹到气尽无声 -

- Loud laughter 大笑 - 

Don’t be thrown off by the populist rhetoric. You know that’s just how we play the game. You know I’m your gal…a Goldman Sachs gal….


 - Brushes check wistfully over lips 渴望的将支票掠过嘴唇 -

- Laughter 笑声 -

Just don’t tell anyone what I said….


- Laughter 笑声 -

I’ll push for tax incentives to spur speculation, giving you loopholes that you can drive your jumbo private jet or yacht through! Show us how innovative, creative thinking you are!


- Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

And I know it’s not always how we think about this, but another engine of strong growth should be the TPP and the TTIP, and the TISA.


- Applause 掌声 -

I want you to hear this. Creating a global neo-liberal enclosure of the entire world economy that pretends to be about “free trade” won’t do much for the total economy—perhaps a tiny percentage point of growth—but I guarantee it will line your pockets like nothing else. Think trillions in your coffers. Quadrillions,margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> suspendtheir financial uptightness restricting wild casino gambling! Financial liberalization forcedmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> Bazillions! And remember, the house—that’s us—we write the rules—never loses!


- Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -


These are the new policies that will help change the world order. It’s not just about these United states, or even the Asia-Pacific that I’m pushing for in the Pacific Pivot. We need to change the planet, before the planet changes us, gets back at us for abusing it so deeply. It’s the planetary endgame, and we want to have a big blast before our toys are taken away….

这些是可以帮助改变世界秩序的新政策。我推动亚太再平衡(译注:Pacific Pivot也被成文Pacific rebalance)并不仅仅是有关美国或亚太地区。我们需要改变这个星球,在这个星球改变我们之前,在它对我们深深地虐待它进行报复之前。这是星球级别的最终游戏,而我们希望我们的玩具被拿走之前玩一把大爆炸。

When I get started, we get our country moving in the direction that we want. Money that can channel more public and private funds to the top leadership—that’s you and me…


- Applause 掌声 -

… channel those funds to finance and speculation!


- Applause 掌声 -

So let’s built those faster trading algorithms and make sure they work faster, bigger, riskier, and trade sums larger than they have ever before!


- Applause 掌声 -

And really, there’s no excuse not to make wilder, greater investments in speculative trading right now.


- Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

Our economy obviously runsmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> overdue to make America the ultimate financial superpower. Weapons of financial mass destruction? Bring them>our weapons! Some may worry Finance may destroy millions of jobs, put billions intopenury, kill billions of starvation, send the economy into a crazy tailspin, but it will make us—that’s you and me—rich and powerful beyond imagination. Let’s be real here. Isn’t that what matters?


- Cackles 窃笑 -

- Laughter 笑声 -

Let’s fund the mathematical research that spawns breathtakingly risky trading algorithms and creates entire new areas of fictitious capital, an equation to model every aspect of human greedand fantasy and desire! I can put my support behind that! A mathematical copula that really copulates the unwashed masses!


- Laughter 笑声 -

- Wild Applause 热烈的鼓掌 -

I will set ambitious goals in all of these areas in the months ahead.


But today, let me emphasize again, that I will institute the key ingredient of strong growth that often goes overlooked… I will break down all global non-tariff barriers so we can do what we did to our economy all over the world.  We are equal opportunity crisis-makers!


- Applause 掌声 -

Watch what I do, not what I say!


- Lifts dog whistle to lips 把狗哨放在嘴唇上 -

- Loud laughter 响亮的笑声 -

We are in a global competition, as I’m sure you have noticed.


I’m starting to repeat myself, but I’m on a roll.


We can’t afford to leave financemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> shortchangeits power, and we lose the game, and we shortchange our country and our future.


The movement of hot, speculative money into real estate during the past 20 years was responsible for trillions funneled into your pockets. But that progress is beginning to stall out.



Studies show that nearly this decline is happening because we’re trying to stop real fictitious growth, considering valorizing people over profits. What an absurdity!


We should be making it easier for speculative finance to make money and innovate. To develop bubbles and create trillion dollar valuations out of thin air! And to short them at will! This is how we pump up our economy like a hydrogen bomb! Speculators who want to speculate without limit should be able to do so without worrying that they may find themselves inside a federal resort workingmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> abs and pecs.


You know, last year –


- Applause 掌声 -

You know, all this speculation adds up. And for you, it’s trillions every day. Now I am well aware that for far too long these practices have been challenged by socialistic demagogues. Well, those days are over.


- Applause 掌声 -

Free speculation, and free money, no taxes, and no restrictions, here or anywhere else in the world: this is essential to our competitiveness and our growth and my ego! And I can do this in a way that doesn’t alarm or outrage the unwashed masses! As president, I’ll fight to put you first, just like I have my entire career. Just remember the dog whistle!

自由的投机、自由的金钱、免税、这里或世界上任何地方都没有限制:这对我们的竞争力和增长还有我的自负都至关重要。而且我可以用不惊吓或激怒草根百姓的方式做到这一点。作为总统, 我会首先为你们奋斗,就像我整个职业生涯一直在做的那样。记住狗哨!

- Lifts dog whistle to lips 把狗哨放在嘴唇上 -

- Laughter 笑声 -

Just watch!


- Applause 掌声 -

The trader who standsmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> shrieking his heart out, or the quant who is driving his synapses into overdrive trying to make an unforgiving algorithm match the fluctuations in a chaotically fibrillating market, or the hedge fund manager, who has loses sleep over the global economy, these people do not need regulation! They do not need a lecture! They do not need the planet’s animosity. They need more rewards, for the hard, crucial, essential, brilliant, world-changing work they are doing!


- Applause 掌声 -

The truth is the current rules for our economy do not reward financial risk-taking enough.   


- Applause 掌声 -

Alongside cutting taxes, it’s time to stand up to efforts across our country to restrict the power of finance, which has been proven again and again to destroy an economy, and make you sad….Socialist demagogues like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have made their names stomping and vilifying you….


- Hissing 窃窃私语-

I will fight back against these mean-spirited, misguided attacks.   But I will do with subtletyand finesse and subterfuge! Just like when I was a Goldwater girl! Now I’m a Goldman Sach’s girl!


- Rubs check suggestively 暗示性地附魔支票 -

- Laughter 笑声 -

In the years leading up to the “crash”, financial firms innovated risk away, but regulators in Washington either could not or would not understand this. I was alarmed when they took the punchbowl away.

在导致“崩溃”的那几年中,金融公司通过创新消除了风险,但是华盛顿的监管者们不能或者不愿意理解这一点。当他们取消了货币刺激(译注:take the punchbowl away是货币政策俚语)时候,我很焦虑。

The current President Obama gave you and your colleagues 17 Trillion of free money, and endless zero-rate loans, but he still had to pretend to take you and your colleagues to the woodshed. Dodd-Frank. Sarbanes-Oxley. The return of Glass-Steagall. Other annoying, peskylegislation and regulations. Too many of you are bound and wrapped in red tape: shadow banking, money laundering, hedge funds, high-frequency trading, non- bank financing, interest rate manipulation, all done in the shadows, because of vicious, irrational regulations that marginalize and oppress you.


- Hissing 窃窃私语-

Even when you have already pocketed the gains, and gotten away scott-free, there is social disapprobation, contempt, and this is painful, this is wrong. I feel your pain! On my watch this will all change. Over the course…


- Applause 掌声 -

… over the course of my campaign, I will offer plans to unleash your endless creativity and risk-taking. I will make sure that you will not pay the price of those risks: I want to encourage you to take them. Just as limited liability allowed early capitalism to grow, back-stopping your risks will be my charge and duty. We’ll make sure that Wall Street and stock markets explode in growth for you! Profits for you! We will assume the Risks! For you, the financial innovators! Captains! Lords! Titans! Gods of finance!


I will appoint you to every regulatory position of power! Too big to fail is too big not to give control over the entire government!


- Applause 掌声 -

I will ensure that nomargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> decriminalization of drugs fail to understand that decriminalizing financial crime will bring it out of the shadows into the mainstream economy, boosting it into the stratosphere!


- Applause 掌声 -

Government has to be smarter, smaller, more focusedmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> steward—servant–of your power!  The media has to respect you! Please, let’s get back to making decisions that pay due deference to power and money!


- Applause 掌声 -

That’s what I’ll do as president. I will seek out and welcome any good idea that is accompaniedby a large check!


- Brushes check suggestively against cheek 暗示性地将支票拂过脸颊 - 

- Laughter 笑声 -

I confess, maybe it’s just the bean counter in me, but I believe that public service is about planting trees for (slave) labor to harvest, and the vision I’ve laid out here today for strong growth for you, your bonuses rising through the stratosphere again, will help finance get ahead and stay ahead forever!


And I’m inviting everyone to please join me to do your part.


- Waves check 挥舞支票 - 

- Laughter 笑声 -

That’s what great countries do. That’s what our country always has done. We follow the money. It’s not about left, right or center; it’s about the money. We take our orders from money. Yes, we do!


I’m running for president to build an America for you, for Global Finance. An America builtmargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> reap the rewards, the rich rewards you deserve…even if the planet collapses in total chaos….


- Waves check suggestively 暗示性地挥舞支票 - 500

- Laughter 笑声 -

Where we take care of our own….


- Laughter 笑声 -

And where we get rid of our enemies….


- Nervous laughter 紧张的笑声 - 



 - More Nervous Laughter 更多紧张的笑声 -

Thank you all. Thank you. I just want to leave you with>谢谢你们所有人!谢谢!我只想给你们留下一个想法。我想要每个银行家、金融家、交易员、对冲基金经理能实现他们被上帝所赋予的潜力来统治这个宇宙。请加入我的使命——让我们一起实现它!

- Applause 掌声 -

Thank you all so much.


- Applause 掌声 -

And now, unless someone writes another check, I’ll bemargin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;"> gig…



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