
本文为 听说2022年继续缺半导体---美国商务部背后的考量 评论 17 国际 的后续。

2022年2月4日,给美国商务部拨款520亿美元的芯片拨款法案夹杂在 H.R. 4521 -Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021(又名America COMPETES Act of 2022,美国2022竞争法)中过了众议院。



I want to thank the House of Representatives for passing the America COMPETES Act today. This bill is essential to our economy, our workers, and will unleash the next generation on innovation and scientific advancement in the United States.


Now that separate versions of the bill have passed both the House and the Senate, I’m urging Congress to move quickly to begin negotiations and work out the differences between the bills, focus on areas of common agreement, and get a final version to President Biden’s desk for his signature.




嗯他要"competing with China from a position of strengh"。 “From position of strength”也就是杨洁篪在阿拉斯加怼布林肯的那句“从实力的地位出发”:




但我要讲的重点不再这里,而是一开始说的“捆绑”两字。以芯片法案在参议院通过的那个 United States Innovation and Competition Act of 2021法案,为例,可是捆绑了相当多杂七杂八的内容哦:


那么这次的H.R. 4521(全名Bioeconomy Research and Development Act of 2021/America COMPETES Act of 2022太长了,我之后就用这个编号H.R.4521来指代)法案里面,除了给发展半导体/芯片拨款,还有些啥呢?





开玩笑的。既然完整版太累了,那我可以看精简版不是?于是我在美国政府发言办(不知道这个翻译妥当不)真找到了缩略版: https://www.speaker.gov/sites/speaker.house.gov/files/America%20COMPETES%20Act%20of%202022%20HR%204521.pdf



然后我看到了D部分: Committee on Foreign Affairs 外交事务,直觉告诉我,有什么要来了!

Supporting economic independence from the People’s Republic of China.哦要脱钩呀

Sense of Congress on the need to bolster American leadership in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. 这要继续殖民东南亚?

Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative.这个我熟,培养“颜色革命”的小将嘛~~


Provisions on Taiwan

• Enhancing the United States-Taiwan Partnership: provides a statement of policy reiterating the U.S. commitment to Taiwan and recognizing Taiwan as a vital part of the U.S. approach to the Indo-Pacific.

• Taiwan Peace and Stability Act: provides a statement of policy of U.S. interests in maintaining the peace and stability and deter military acts or other forms of coercive behavior in the Indo-Pacific.

• Taiwan International Solidarity Act: amends the TAIPEI Act of 2019 by adding that the UN recognition of the PRC did not address the issue of Taiwan representation at the UN or any related organizations, nor take a position on the relationship between the PRC and Taiwan or Taiwan’s sovereignty, and that the U.S. opposes any initiative that seeks to change Taiwan’s status without the consent of the people.


Sense of Congress on the Continued Violation of Rights and Freedoms of the People of Hong Kong

• Puts forward findings on the PRC’s abrogation of its obligations and commitments under international law and agreements and the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy, undermining the democratic norms and human rights, and the use of violence and excessive force after the imposition of the national security law.

Authorization of Appropriations for Promotion of Democracy in Hong Kong

• Authorizes $10 million for the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and labor to promote democracy in Hong Kong.


Hong Kong people’s freedom and choice

• Provides temporary protected status and refugee status for qualifying Hong Kong residents for the 18-month period beginning after enactment. Stipulates that Hong Kong continue to be considered a foreign state separate and apart from the PRC for purposes of the numerical limitations on immigrant visas. Authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security to provide special immigrant status admission for certain priority highly skilled Hong Kong residents, not to exceed 5,000 per year for each of the 5 FYs.


Sense of Congress on Treatment of Uyghurs and Other Ethnic Minorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

• Expresses the sense of Congress that the ongoing atrocities in Xinjiang must be condemned; the President, Secretary of State, and the U.S. Ambassador to the UN should speak publicly about the

ongoing human rights abuses and appeal to the UN Secretary General to take a more proactive and public stance on the situation in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

Uyghur Human Rights Protection

• Designates aliens who were Chinese nationals and Xinjiang residents on January 1, 2021; aliens who fled Xinjiang after June 30, 2009, and reside in other Chinese provinces or a third country where they are not firmly resettled; and the spouses, children, and parents as Priority 2 refugees of special humanitarian concern. Directs the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security to submit a report on the applications submitted under this section








Bad Actor! 这词真特朗普呀

