




4、小规模、低强度的反恐、维稳、维权作战行动。 一是"三股"势力策动恐怖袭击和骚乱暴乱,为维护国家安全、社会稳定和保卫人民生命财产,我采取反恐平暴作战行动。 二是境外国家利益、战略通道、侨民安全受到严重威胁特别是暴力威胁,我采取防卫的境外军事维权行动。 





Political war is the use of political means to compel an opponent to do one’s will, political being understood to describe purposeful intercourse between peoples and governments affecting national survival. Political war may be combined with violence, economic pressure, subversion, and diplomacy, but its chief aspect is the use of words, images, and ideas, commonly known, according to context, as propaganda and psychological warfare.


Propaganda & Persuasion》的作者是Garth S. Jowett和Victoria O'Donnell在这本书中给“宣传”下了一个定义:

Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.


注:deliberate(深思熟虑的)意指“select what will be the most effective strategy to promote an ideology and maintain an advantageous position”,即选择对推广某种意识形态和保持有利地位最有效率的战略。

注:systematic(系统性的)意指“precise and methodical, carrying out something with organized regularity”,即精确的、有条理的,有组织、有规律执行某种东西。

根据一份报告的结论,在互联网时代,基于网络的信息战是在夸大、混淆,有时是洗脑方面有特殊效果,而且成本低、难于防御。当今世界已经高度网络化,人们在社交媒体上交流并获取碎片化的知识,通过浏览网站近乎实时、无障碍的了解各种信息,在电商那里购买各种生活用品,这样每个人的爱好、习惯、态度等用于描述其心理状态的关键数据被完整的记录形成一个庞大的、待挖掘的金矿。这使得技术专家们有可能借助数据分析技术的最新成果给社会中的几乎每个人编制其心理侧写(psychological profiles)。而基于这些侧写,宣传家们有可能对每个人进行个性化的宣传。这一现象的最新例子就是剑桥分析事件

政治数据分析公司“剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)”在获取了用户信息后,进行数据分析,再使用用户喜好的方式渗入社交网络,从而达到改变用户心理的目的。该公司已将业务拓展到了巴西、中国和澳大利亚。在中国的业务处于刚起步的阶段,但暂时未涉及政治领域。

In total we polled c180,000 individuals across 17 battleground states, online and by telephone. This information allowed us to speak to voters in a way they would understand and respond strongly to.

……Leveraging data science and predictive analytics expertise, we built 20 custom data models that could be used to forecast voter behavior.……The marketing operation utilized a number of platforms, including social media, search engine advertising, and YouTube. As well as influencing voter intention, it inspired people to take specific actions. Donations increased, event turnouts grew, and inactive voters who favoured Trump were motivated to get out and vote on election day.

译:总的来说,我们通过在线和电话在17个战场州调查了180,000人。 这些信息使我们能够以对他们理解和回应强烈的方式与选民交谈。......利用数据科学和预测分析专业知识,我们构建了20个可用于预测选民行为的自定义数据模型。......营销活动利用了多种平台,包括社交媒体,搜索引擎广告和“油管”。 它不仅影响选民的意图,还激励人们采取具体行动。 捐款增加,投票率增加,赞成特朗普的不活跃的选民有动机出门在选举日进行投票。

不过更恐怖的未来在等待着各类人们,以基于大数据的机器学习与深度学习技术形成的每个人的心理侧写为基础,结合一种被称为“debating technologies”的人工智能技术,以现在已经发展起来的如微软小冰等聊天机器人为手段,可以:

To persuasively argue by analyzing a corpus of knowledge, determining pro and con arguments, and creating dynamic, persuasive content in support of a position.


综上,未来的宣传技术是以大数据技术形成每个人的心理侧写,基于这些侧写使用聊天机器人以辩论技术借助动态的、有说服力的内容向每个人灌输有利于宣传者的立场。这就是广大“吃瓜群众”暗淡的未来。这一暗淡的未来预示着一个升级的宣传战形式:Weaponized narrative(武器化叙事)。

Weaponized narrative is an attack that seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will. By generating confusion, complexity, and political and social schisms, it confounds response on the part of the defender.

译:武器化叙事是一种旨在破坏对手的文明、身份和意志的攻击。 通过产生混淆、复杂性以及政治与社会分裂,使部分防守者反应混乱。



We investigated the differential diffusion of all of the verified true and false news stories distributed on Twitter from 2006 to 2017. The data comprise ~126,000 stories tweeted by ~3 million people more than 4.5 million times. We classified news as true or false using information from six independent fact-checking organizations that exhibited 95 to 98% agreement on the classifications. Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information. We found that false news was more novel than true news, which suggests that people were more likely to share novel information. Whereas false stories inspired fear, disgust, and surprise in replies, true stories inspired anticipation, sadness, joy, and trust. Contrary to conventional wisdom, robots accelerated the spread of true and false news at the same rate, implying that false news spreads more than the truth because humans, not robots, are more likely to spread it.


