

























  Lloyd's Register Foundation(劳埃德船级社基金会)

  The British Red Cross Society(英国红十字会)

  Msi Reproductive Choices(微星生育选择)

  Liverpool School Of Tropical Medicine(利物浦热带医学院)

  International Planned Parenthood Federation(国际计划生育联合会)

  The United Kingdom Committee For Unicef(英国联合国儿童基金会委员会)

  World Vision Uk(英国世界宣明会)

  Npt Transatlantic Limited(不扩散条约跨大西洋有限公司)

  The Zoological Society Of London(伦敦动物学会)

  The Salvation Army International Trust(救世军国际信托基金)

  United Bible Societies Association(联合圣经公会协会)


  The Institution Of Civil Engineers(土木工程师学会)

  Mission Aviation Fellowship International(国际宣教航空联谊会)

  The British And Foreign Bible Society(英国及外国圣经公会)

  Global Innovation Fund(全球创新基金)

  University College Of Estate Management(大学物业管理学院)

  Mission Aviation Fellowship Uk(英国宣教航空奖学金)

  The Society For The Protection Of Animals Abroad(国外动物保护协会)

  Centre For Effective Dispute Resolution Limited(有效争议解决中心有限公司)

  Re:Act Disaster Response Limited(回复行动救灾有限公司)

  World Association Of Girl Guides And Girl Scouts(世界女童子军协会)

  Youth Business International(青年商业国际)

  The Biochemical Society(生化学会)

  Sos Children's Villages Uk(英国Sos儿童村)

  World Energy Council(世界能源理事会)

  The Langham Partnership (Uk And Ireland) 朗廷合作伙伴(英国和爱尔兰)

  The Global Fund For Children Uk Trust(全球儿童基金会英国信托)

  The Eq Foundation(Eq基金会)

  Ufm Worldwide(Ufm全球)

  Islamic Education And Research Academy (Iera)(伊斯兰教育与研究学院-Iera)

  Publish What You Pay(发布你所支付的费用)

  The Rufford Foundation(拉福德基金会)

  Pact Global (Uk) Cio(Pact Global(英国)首席信息官)

  The Salvation Army Retired Officers Allowance Scheme(救世军退休人员津贴计划)

  English- Speaking Union Of The Commonwealth(英联邦英语联盟)

  Concordia (Uk) Limited(康科迪亚(英国)有限公司)

  Global Greengrants Fund Uk(英国全球绿色赠款基金)

  Fashion For Relief(时尚救济)

  The Whitley Fund For Nature(惠特利自然基金会)


  International Non-Governmental Organisation Training And Research Centre(国际非政府组织培训研究中心)

  The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation(大卫谢泼德野生动物基金会)

  Natural Resource Charter Limited(自然资源宪章有限公司)

  Eci Schools(ECI学校)

  Foundation For Environmental Education(环境教育基金会)

  People's Trust For Endangered Species(人们对濒危物种的信任)

  Tnc Uk Foundation Limited(Tnc英国基金会有限公司)

  The Certified Accountants Educational Trust(注册会计师教育信托基金)

  World Confederation For Physical Therapy(世界物理治疗联合会)

  The Round Square(圆方)


  Eastern Alliance For Safe And Sustainable Transport(东部安全和可持续交通联盟)

  Global Fund For Women Uk(英国全球妇女基金会)

  The Jephcott Charitable Trust(杰夫科特慈善信托基金)

  Humentum Uk(英国胡门图姆)

  The Bible Network(圣经网)

  Safer Roads Foundation(更安全道路基金会)

  Alex, The Leukodystrophy Charity(亚历克斯,脑白质营养不良慈善机构)

  The Rory Peck Trust(罗里·派克信托基金)

  Dkt International Foundation Uk(英国Dkt国际基金会)


  Cisv International Limited(西维国际有限公司)

  World Federation Of Neurology(世界神经病学联合会)

  International Headache Society(国际头痛协会)

  Educate a Child-International(教育孩子-国际)

  British Accreditation Council For Independent Further And Higher Education(英国独立继续教育和高等教育认证委员会)

  Animal Defenders International Foundation(动物保护者国际基金会)

  International Alliance Of Patients' Organizations(国际患者组织联盟)

  The Watercolour World(水彩世界)

  Messenger Of Saint Anthony Uk(英国圣安东尼使者)

  International Institute Of Communications(国际通讯学院)

  Christina Noble Childrens Foundation Limited(克里斯蒂娜诺布尔儿童基金会有限公司)

  The Circle Of Women(女性圈子)

  Sustainable Fibre Alliance(可持续纤维联盟)

  Social Innovation Exchange(社会创新交流)

  Karuna Action(卡鲁纳行动)

  52 Lives(52条生命)

  Walk21 Foundation(Walk21基金会)

  International Association Of Hydrogeologists(国际水文地质学家协会)

  Steps Charity Worldwide(步步全球慈善机构)

  The Miles Morland Foundation(迈尔斯·莫兰基金会)

  International Christian Medical And Dental Association (Uk) Cio(国际基督教医学和牙科协会(英国)首席信息官)

  Social Value International(国际社会价值)

  Associated Country Women Of The World(世界乡村妇女协会)

  The Equal Rights Trust(平等权利信托基金)

  International Lawyers Project(国际律师项目)

  Research Data Alliance Foundation(研究数据联盟基金会)

  The Global Returns Project Limited(全球回报项目有限公司)

  The Carmela & Ronnie Pignatelli Foundation(卡梅拉和罗尼·皮纳泰利基金会)

  Radstock Ministries(拉德斯托克事工)

  Good Neighbours Uk(英国好邻居)

  Global Horizons Trust(全球视野信托基金)

  Gulf For Good(海湾永远)

  Vision Catalyst Fund(愿景催化剂基金)

  The Mfpa Fund For The Training Of Handicapped Children In The Arts(Mfpa残疾儿童艺术培训基金)

  Al-Fayed Charitable Foundation(阿尔法耶德慈善基金会)

  Free The Wild(释放野性)

  The Lotus Children's Centre Charitable Trust(莲花儿童中心慈善信托基金)

  Yapton Free Church(亚普顿自由教会)

  The Prompt Maternity Foundation(及时生育基金会)

  Every Casualty Worldwide(全球每一位伤亡者)

  Compass Children's Charity(指南针儿童慈善机构)

  Climate Science Ltd(气候科学有限公司)

  Wellbeing Care Foundation(福祉关怀基金会)

  Saiga Conservation Alliance(赛加羚羊保护联盟)

  Oriental Bird Club(东方鸟俱乐部)

  People In Need (Pin) Uk(英国有需要的人(Pin))

  Evidence Aid(证据援助)

  The Cotswold Wildlife Park Conservation Trust(科茨沃尔德野生动物园保护信托基金)

  Fair Earth Foundation(公平地球基金会)

  British Lichen Society(英国地衣学会)

  The Jewish Book Trust Uk(英国犹太图书信托基金会)

  Supporting Homeless, Assisting Refugees Everywhere(支持无家可归者,援助各地的难民)

  Down Syndrome Education International(国际唐氏综合症教育)

  Jeremy Alexander Settlement(杰里米·亚历山大定居点)

  The Houghton Trust Limited(霍顿信托有限公司)

  Wild Camel Protection Foundation(野骆驼保护基金会)

  International Foundation For Children's Education(国际儿童教育基金会)

  Gandys Foundation(甘迪斯基金会)

  Living Word Community Church(活道社区教会)

  The River Trust(河流信托基金)

  Rays Of Hope(希望之光)

  The Association For The Advancement Of Affective Computing(情感计算促进协会)

  International Society Of Radiographers And Radiological Technologists(国际放射技师和放射技术专家协会)

  The Roddy Segrave Charitable Foundation(罗迪塞格雷夫慈善基金会)

  Musicwater Trust(音乐水信托基金)

  Sovereign World Trust(主权世界信托)

  Daneline International Charitable Foundation(丹琳国际慈善基金会)

  Skyangels Air Ambulance(天空天使空中救护车)

  India Association(印度协会)

  The Christian And Missionary Alliance(基督教与传教士联盟)

  Safe Anaesthesia Worldwide(全球安全麻醉)

  Baha'i Agency For Social And Economic Development-United Kingdom(巴哈伊社会和经济发展机构-英国)

  Superhero Foundation(超级英雄基金会)

  The Swinfen Charitable Trust(斯温芬慈善信托基金)

  Increase Trust Uk(增加对英国的信任)

  Universal Peace Federation Uk(英国世界和平联盟)

  The Cultural Sanctuaries Foundation (Uk)(文化保护区基金会(英国))

  The Chalcot Foundation(查尔科特基金会)

  The Jimmy Choo Foundation(周仰杰基金会)

  The World Federation Of Societies Of Anaesthesiologists (Uk)(世界麻醉医师协会联合会(英国))

  Exodus Travels Foundation(出埃及记旅游基金会)

  The Scientific Exploration Society(科学探索协会)

  Building Trust International(建立信任国际)

  Jubilee Society Of Mongolia(蒙古银禧协会)

  Dai Uk(Dai英国)

  Chountra Welfare Association Uk(英国Chountra福利协会)


  Search And Rescue Assistance In Disasters(灾难中的搜救援助)


  British Council Benevolent Fund(英国文化协会慈善基金)

  Adventure Aid(冒险援助)


  Intercultural Roots For Public Health(公共卫生的跨文化根源)

  Friends Foundation(朋友基金会)

  Jesus Women International Prayer Movement(耶稣妇女国际祈祷运动)

  Sos Kit Aid Ltd(Sos Kit援助有限公司)

  The Bailey Gateway Trust(贝利网关信托基金)

  Rozinoor Foundation(罗齐诺基金会)

  International Substance Abuse And Addiction Coalition(国际药物滥用和成瘾联盟)

  Vithu Trust Fund(维图信托基金)

  Snow Leopard Trust (Uk) Limited(雪豹信托(英国)有限公司)

  Hafsa Foundation(哈夫萨基金会)

  The Aecom Foundation(艾康基金会)

  People For Nature And Peace(人们为了自然与和平)

  Cherith Christian Fellowship Trust(基里斯基督徒团契信托基金)

  Walkden Christian Centre(沃克登基督教中心)

  Beyond Your Walls Ministries(超越你的墙教会)

  The Blenheim 2001 Foundation(布伦海姆2001基金会)

  Recycling Organisation For Research Opportunities(回收组织的研究机会)

  I Waqf Charitable Trust(I Waqf慈善信托基金)

  The Mywalit Foundation(麦瓦利特基金会)

  Aquaculture Without Frontiers Cio(无国界水产养殖)

  Poyser Fund(波耶泽基金)

  The Peascroft Trust(皮斯克罗夫特信托基金)

  Art Aid Cio(艺术援助首席信息官)

  Foundation For The Preservation Of Yungdrung Bon(雍仲苯教保护基金会)

  The Catriona Hargreaves Charitable Trust(卡特里奥娜·哈格里夫斯慈善信托基金)

  Lancaster Craft Aid Trust(兰开斯特工艺援助信托基金)

  Open Gate(打开大门)

  International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections(国际防治性传播感染联盟)

  The Carnivorous Plant Society(食肉植物协会)

  The Charis (n And p Taylor) Trust(查里斯(n和p泰勒)信托)

  Dharma Gate Uk(英国达摩门)

  The Lef-Pillon Trust(莱夫-皮隆信托基金)

  Projects Abroad Foundation Limited(海外项目基金会有限公司)

  International Society For Geographical And Epidemiological Ophthalmology(国际地理与流行病学眼科学会)

  Dart International Uk(达特国际英国)

  The Penycommin Trust For Wildlife Conservation(Penycommin野生动物保护信托基金)

  The Cox-Skuse Family Trust(考克斯-斯库斯家族信托)

  The Oxford School Of Thought(牛津思想学院)

  Primary Trauma Care Foundation(初级创伤护理基金会)

  Limb Future(肢体未来)


  The Rotary Club Of Stafford Knot Trust Fund(斯塔福德·诺特扶轮社信托基金)

  Hard Rain Project(暴雨计划)

  Arian Teleheal(阿里安·远程治疗)

  Pointman Leadership Uk(英国波因特曼领导力)

  International House World Foundation(国际之家世界基金会)

  The Aia Educational And Benevolent Trust(Aia教育与慈善信托基金)

  Christian Warriors For God(基督徒为神而战)

  Ncifoundations Charity(Nci基金会慈善机构)

  m2m Projects(m2m项目)

  The Mosaic Federation(马赛克联盟)

  Solar League(太阳能联盟)

  The Constance Fairness Foundation(康斯坦斯公平基金会)

  Architecture For Humanity(Uk)Ltd(人类建筑(英国)有限公司)

  Charity Needs Foundation(慈善需要基金会)

  Lifting The Burden(减轻负担)

  Life For Children Foundation(儿童生命基金会)

  Animal Welfare Law Matters(动物福利法事务)

  Kent Model United Nations Society(肯特模拟联合国协会)

  Mangoma Cio

  The Medical Translation Database-TWIG(医学翻译数据库-Twig)


  Nuha Foundation(努哈基金会)

  Peculiar Peoples' Palace Ministries(人民宫特殊部门)

  Halton Overseas Team(荷顿海外团队)

  Excellencia Aid Foundation(Excellencia援助基金会)

  Alpha Communities(阿尔法社区)

  The Sir Richard May Trust(理查德·梅爵士信托基金)

  Penguin International Rugby Football Trust(企鹅国际橄榄球信托基金)

  The Triage Foundation(分类基金会)

  A Better Life(美好生活)

  Basildon Healing Mission(巴西尔登治疗使命)

  The Chris Shoesmith Global Foundation(克里斯鞋史密斯全球基金会)

  Go Help(去帮助)

  Daffodils For Doris(多丽丝的水仙花)



  Ciro&Armand Charity Foundation-Help Children Now(Ciro和Armand慈善基金会-立即帮助儿童)

  Cherish The Child(珍惜孩子)

  Vanda Aid(万代兰援助)

  Surgical Research Gateway Foundation(外科研究网关基金会)

  Impact Planet(影响星球)

  Abbott Five Foundation(雅培五基金会)

  The Haelo Foundation(海洛基金会)

  The Wandaid Foundation(万代基金会)

  Fab Foundation Uk(英国Fab基金会)

  The Balance Eco Foundation(平衡生态基金会)

  Apollo Aid Foundation(阿波罗援助基金会)

  The Anita Mendiratta Foundation(安妮塔·门迪拉塔基金会)

  Global Humanitarian Fund(全球人道主义基金)

  The Mcardle Foundation(麦克卡德尔基金会)

  Pointline Foundation(点线基金会)

  South East Asia Prayer Center Uk(英国东南亚祈祷中心)

  Science Edit For The Developing World(发展中国家的科学编辑)

  International Social Welfare Association (Iswa)(国际社会福利协会(Iswa))


  International Gaucher Alliance(国际戈谢联盟)

  Bvk International Foundation(BVK国际基金会)

  The Quran Foundation(古兰经基金会)

  Foundation For The Advancement Of Education & Community Development(促进教育和社区发展基金会)

  Academics Stand Against Poverty Uk(英国学者反对贫困)

  Ability Beyond Borders(能力超越国界)

  Soroptimist International Foundation(职业妇女福利互助会国际基金会)
